
Step into the fast-paced world of ‘Real Marketing Real Fast’ with me, Doug Morneau. Each episode is a power-packed journey through the twists and turns of digital marketing and website acquisition. Expect unfiltered insights, expert interviews, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. This isn’t just another marketing podcast; it’s your front-row seat to the strategies shaping the digital landscape.


Keith Keller – tips

  • Social Media Marketing: Twitter Grew by four million people in the last 90 days
  • Is 55 percent male
  • Great for getting exposure to your event
  • A global communications tool
  • Use Twitter DM to make connections on other Social Media platforms

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Doug: Welcome back to another episode of “Real Marketing. Real Fast”. Today, I’ve got joining me, a special guest, from the other side of the world from us. From a beautiful place in Australia. We’ve got Keith Keller. Now, Keith is considered by many to be one of the world’s leading authorities on Twitter marketing and is regularly invited as guests on podcasts such as ours, webinars, tele-summits across the globe. He shares his knowledge with audiences in the US, Canada, as well as Australia, and New Zealand. He has his own podcast series on iTunes, called “Crack the Twitter Code”, and offers one-on-one coaching to clients around the world via Zoom. So welcome to “Real Marketing”. How’re you doing today?

Keith Keller: Hey, Doug. Don’t you just love this? You’re in Canada. You’re a Canuck, I’m an Aussie in Melbourne, Australia and this is the world we live in, isn’t it?

Doug: It is. And it’s late enough for me that I can actually be drinking a glass of your fine Chardonnay but it’s probably a bit early for you.

Keith Keller: Yeah, 10 AM in the morning and 3 PM for you, isn’t it?

Doug: Yeah, it’s noon … there you go. We can have a glass of wine. So is there anything you want to add to the introduction about your background or what you do that you would like to share with our guests?

Keith Keller: I really want to let people know that I do have a free podcast. We’ll talk about that at the end, though. I’ve just decided that I’m going to nail this Twitter thing. There are a dozen sites to get your head around. I can’t keep up. I’ve just decided I’m just going to go really deep into Twitter and nail it and try all the new tricks and tips that we can share today.

Doug: Well it’s interesting if you read the chatter and you talk to various people in our space, in the marketing space, that people talk about Twitter … Do people still use Twitter? So why don’t we start off with talking about “Do people still use Twitter”?

Keith Keller: Well it’s a very interesting point. In the last quarter, Twitter actually grew by four million people in the last ninety days. [inaudible 00:01:55] it’s completely reinventing itself again. And, the truth is that there are a hundred million people around the world that use Twitter every day. That’s one with eight zeros. It’s a big number. It’s a big chunky number, isn’t it?

Doug: Yeah, you could probably find a few customers in there. It might not be everybody in the world, but a hundred million’s a good place to start.

Keith Keller: Yeah, so … I always start with the idea that all of these sites are hard, or somewhat hard to get used to initially. So you’ve got to have a reason for one to play there. To sneak that “okay, if I invest an hour a day for a few days, I want to see a result.” So, the hundred million people on Twitter [inaudible 00:02:43] … with the stats for a while because I’ve been doing a little research on this. Because people often ask me one, “Is Twitter dead?” and “Why not just use everything else?” Facebook and random interest linkage. Because everyone’s different.

Twitter is 55 percent male. Now that in itself is interesting because it means that it’s totally different to Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, which is predominantly female. Instagram’s a little bit more balanced, but Pinterest is very skewed towards females, and Facebook is too. So, if you’ve got a market, or site, or product or service or an idea that would resonate with men, the Twitter could be worth doing. So 55 percent of men are on Twitter, still 45 percent female but not … there’s a slight skew here. So that’s a reason in itself. If you’re finding, like most of us are, that Facebook’s not working anymore because it’s just too hard to get reach. Where you have to pay so much money just to get people to like your stuff and you’re getting a bit sick of that, then Twitter can be an alternative. In fact, far from it being dead, it could be the next generation of people just sort of flock away from Facebook, because I hardly ever use Facebook myself. Because I’m just getting sick of the fact that none of my efforts seem to generate any interest.

Doug: Well do you want to share with our listeners a breakthrough or some success you’ve had with a couple of marketing campaigns specifically focusing on the use of Twitter?

Keith Keller: Yeah, okay. At the moment, I’m working with a really cool client in Canada, Toronto. Another cool Canuck and that site is called “Nimble Quotes” So what we’re doing there, this is a startup so we’re right at the beginning of our journey. This is a site to give you context. This is a site that takes newbies to Twitter and gives them eight tweets a day on their feed with lovely quotes. It’s a lovely site. I really like it. And so, at the moment we’re doing a little ad campaign, ten dollars a day. Getting two thousand hits to that video and website every week and we’re playing it out. Now that’s just a case study in point. So that’s really fresh. And that’s a good use of Twitter.

What I’ve found, for instance … I spoke at an event last week and we used the hashtag #FutureSMNow, if you want to go and have a look at that. The conference was about the future of social media. Twitter is extraordinary … unbeatable in the event space. I mean it’s unbeatable. What I mainly did, because I spoke at the end of the day. I got there really early and I set up the back and I tweeted my head off all day. And I just basically took the words of wisdom from all of the other speakers and put it into this really lovely stream, as well as everyone else that was there. And that was a trending topic all day. What that means is it was one of the top ten topics in our town, and in our country for that day.

Doug: That’s really cool.

Keith Keller: As a PR exercise, this particular conference and this conference company got massive free marketing by us just sitting there tweeting on our phones. The event space is probably the number one use of Twitter that’s unparallel with any other site. I can’t think of another site that would do that. Can you, Doug?

Doug: No. You’re right. I think we were just at an event in London in the UK put on by Chris Ducker and the hashtag was #Upreneur, that’s his new website helping entrepreneurs, and it was interesting, like you mentioned, to see several times during the day in London … there are a few Twitter users there … that that was actually trending, which was really kind of cool and started building discussion.

So for small business and people that are going, “hey, there’s all these different platforms … There are YouTube and Snapchat and Pinterest and Instagram, why don’t you walk us through maybe an idea of how you get started with Twitter to get your small business up and running and get it moving?”

Keith Keller: Twitter is a little bit hard to get your head around initially because it’s a lot of funny languages. There’s “Twitterverse” and there’s “twitter dictionary”, and we’re using all these really funny words, but essentially it’s just a conversation. So what I personally like to do … this is actually my little system that I use. When I tweet I like to use this phrase “three hashtags and a hook”. That’s completely different now that we’ve got Twitter 280 characters, and we’ll talk about that if we have time. But when Twitter was 140 characters, you really had ten words in a link. It’s really hard to maximize that. So what I use to do, as I used to recommend that people come up with a [inaudible 00:07:56] title. Because the way I use Twitter is to promote my blog, to promote a YouTube video, to promote an event, to share an article. I very rarely chat in the open format, so this is how I use Twitter.

For instance, I just did a post this weekend and the hashtag title was #8FantasticWaysToMaximizeTwitterVideo. That’s the title. The hook, like the chorus of a Bon Jovi song. And then there’s a link to the article. And then there’s two … it was actually a guest blog post by someone. Now, years ago before Twitter 280, I would have put in three hashtags there maybe #Twitter#Marketing#Videos say. So what people know is here’s an article about Twitter video. Here’s the link to the article. Here’s who wrote it. And here’s a few hashtags to get additional reach so that other people who haven’t followed me yet get to see it. So it’s actually quite a robust strategy, 3 hashtags, and a hook.

Doug: That’s really neat. It’s interesting because I think the other thing people miss on Twitter aside from being about to build an audience of people is that you can target your competitors’ audience. In terms of using social media, and using Twitter … probably one of the more popular questions that I get is “How many tweets should you send out a day?”

Keith Keller: Ah! I [inaudible 00:09:31] this answer. But it’s a very common question, isn’t it?

Doug: It’s so you tell me your number then I’ll tell you my number.

Keith Keller: Buffer did a robust study. This is not my data, this is a robust study done by Buffer. And they analyzed millions of tweets and millions of Twitter users, and they found that of all the people that were tweeting two times a day and twenty-two times a day, fourteen times a day was the most reliable figure for traction without being overwhelming. Now I know that scares the shit out of most people. Fourteen times a day, which basically means, if you get your head around this, once an hour on the hour while you’re awake.

And, of course, people think, “Why would I do that many?” But the point is that I live in Melbourne, Australia and it’s 10 AM here. I do sleep occasionally, in spite of what my Twitter feed looks like. Between 12 PM and 6 PM, I’m in bed. I’m not tweeting and all of those people that are awake then that need something from me can’t have anything because I’m just not there. So we develop these strategies of Tweeting on schedule using sites like Buffer or Nimble Quotes. So fourteen times a day is absolutely robustly provable as the ultimate amount without being too much for the consumer. Not so much for the business owner.

What’s your number? What do you think about that?

Doug: I’m posting once an hour.

Keith Keller: Okay, there it is. Once an hour.

Doug: I have a couple of strategies, so I use Buffer as well, and I have my Executive Assistant manage several accounts for ourselves and our clients. So it’s a combination of quotes and relevant third party content, guests that I’ve had on my podcasts, and stuff that I find interesting. So a lot of the stuff I tweet … I’d say probably 90 percent of the stuff I tweet, I will tweet because it’s an easy reference for me to go back and read an article about something that I really like. So that’s how I judge whether or not the content I’m putting out there on Twitter is useful for my audience because it’s stuff that I love and live and breathe every day.

Then I use Meet Edgar to schedule … I use that for my podcast, so I built a calendar within Meet Edgar that runs on a calendar for each release. I release a podcast on Tuesday and one on Thursday, and what I want to do is I want to set up optimal times to broadcast and promote my podcast across LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, my business Facebook page, and my personal Facebook page. So I’ve set it up so that it will run for seven consecutive days at different times for us to get our podcast that we’re doing today in front of as many people as possible.

Keith Keller: And what you said there … This is really important. We need to reiterate what you just said there. So you’ve got a podcast that you could tweet … This is the answer to the question “Why would you schedule at all?” You could schedule when you’re awake when you think of it. Organically. Naturally. Randomly. But Meet Edgar has tech, and so does Buffer, that says, “You know what, if you tweet at 10:21 AM Pacific Time, we found that a lot of your tribe is on and engaged at that time so, can you try tweeting a little bit more around 10 AM in the morning because I think people would enjoy that”. They’ve got tech there helping you. They’ve got all these stats saying “It’s fine if you post at 10 AM because that suits you, but actually not many people are online then, so I think that’s a bit of a waste of time.” And that’s the ultimate definitive answer to why you would use scheduling tools. Because the tech allows you to maximize the number of people getting your stuff.

Doug: Absolutely. I use another tool that’s from your part of the world called “Audiense”. It’s a bit more of a technical tool, but it gives me a cloud showing me a tag cloud of what my audience is tweeting about, and what they like and what they follow, and it also gives me a little bit of automation so I can thank people who retweet, and people who follow me, not with a DM but by sending back a message.

Keith Keller: And is that A-U-D-I-E-N-S-E?

Doug: It is. I can’t remember what it was called before. They were bought out and rebranded …

Keith Keller: [inaudible 00:14:19]

Doug: Yeah, that’s what it was, Social Bro.

Keith Keller: Yeah, I love it. I just love it. I love this one.

Doug: So do people who are thinking, “Oh, that’s crazy. You’re on Twitter” and then to hear that I have three different tools, but they all perform a different set of actions and you don’t have to do that. That’s how I operate. You need to find what works for you, right?

Keith Keller: Let’s pick up on the Audience side because this is a fantastic tool. But I want to share another Canadian tool from Toronto … I just love saying that, Toronto. Just roll all the words together … You’d like Aussies. We just shorten everything. There’s this unbelievable tool in Toronto called “Tweeps Map”. Heard of it? It’s very very very similar to Audiense. I prefer it. It’s almost identical. There’s a lot of sites that are identical to each other. Social Bro was excellent. It turned itself into Audiense for a number of reasons. Tweeps Map is a site based in Toronto … Canadian tool. Just amazing intel on, for instance, where you followers are, what time of the day they tweet.

And this is a very good example … I live in Melbourne, Australia. It’s 10 AM. But what happens if all of my followers are really really really active at 6 AM? Do I get up earlier? Do I completely miss that out? Do I set the alarm but just to get up a half hour earlier so that … if all of my people are online at a certain time, well why wouldn’t you go there? It’s just amazing when you can get inside it. Now you can why I love Twitter and still use it, yeah?

Doug: Well it’s interesting if you think about it from … like what you’re saying is, it really comes down to look at what is best for your audience. So Twitter’s no different than any other tool that you’re using for sales and marketing. It’s knowing your audience. Know where they are. And provide them good content in a way that’s easy and convenient for them to access it.

Keith Keller: Totally [inaudible 00:16:25]. The reason I got into Twitter is because I used to run a radio show on Blog Talk Radio, which is still going and still very cool. I just morphed and got a little more professional, if you like. But I found when using all of the different tools … and I tried them all LinkedIn, Facebook, all of them, I just found that more people listened to my podcast, which was the goal when I tweeted about it than when I sent a Facebook message. I tried them all. I tried them all equally as an experiment, and I do recommend you do that. But I found that when I tweeted something, I got much more traction on the podcast episodes, which was my goal, to get more people to listen to it.

This is an example of a success story that I’ve personally had. On one particular episode, we had eighteen hundred downloads overnight. So I tweet something at 6 PM, make some dinner, watch TV with my wife, wake up in the morning and eighteen hundred new people have listened to this podcast episode I’d done the day before because I send a Tweeter banner. That’s impressive.

Doug: Yeah, that’s really cool.

Keith Keller: [inaudible 00:17:39]

Doug: I don’t think you can get that reach a lot of the other sourcing channels.

Keith Keller: I just don’t think you can. So I just love Twitter for the absolute power that it has to reach the globe.

Doug: The other side of that is that in terms of using social … we can use them all, but Twitter has a really great way to reach out directly to people. If you think about how you and I first connected back a month or two months ago, it was through Twitter and then direct messages back and forth before we changed emails and finally, here we are.

Keith Keller: Personally, I think DMs are probably the most underrated thing on Twitter. And the reason why that is because most people automate it and completely stuff it up. The number of emails I get everyday go, “Hi, Kieth. Thanks for connecting. Would you like to download my ebook?” Well, hang on. I don’t even know who you are, and you’re trying to sell me something straight away.” Of course, this comes down to the idea of automation versus engagement. What I personally do, is I cherry pick all my new followers every day. I spend maybe ten minutes going, “There’s Doug. He’s cool. There’s someone else. They’re cool. There’s a person I’d really want to connect with. That’s a SPAM, or I’ll leave them go.” And then I spend ten minutes connecting, even if it’s only for a second, “Hello, Doug. How’s Vancouver today? I was there in 1996. Here’s a cool photo of me with a squirrel.” We saw a squirrel and we’ve never seen one before. And we’re all running around in the stuff and it was hilarious, but for us, it was a new experience. A squirrel.” But that’s a connection, it’s it? I’ve been to Vancouver. We stayed in [inaudible 00:19:18].

Doug: And I’ve done the same thing on Instagram, but I’ve found that Twitter’s been very responsive as long as I’m not, like you said, SPAMMING people with a message like, “hey, you’ve never heard of me before but I’ve got this new ebook and I want you to give me a reference and it’s all about me me me me me” opposed to “hey, I like your tweets, I like following you”. What I’ve often done is told people “hey, I’ve been following you on Twitter. I’m going to reach out and send you a LinkedIn connection request be I’d like to have a deeper relationship with you on multiple platforms.” And then maybe after a bit of time, we’ll have a conversation offline about where there’s options to work together but it’s certainly not the first thing we’re going to talk about.

Keith Keller: It’s like dating, isn’t it?

Doug: Yeah that’s [crosstalk 00:19:56]

Keith Keller: One of the things I love … This is a very good example of why you would use Twitter as you mix. As I said, I do lots and lots and lots and lots of stats. And there’s a 46 percent chance that if someone is connected to you on Twitter they also have a LinkedIn page. 46 percent chance. So, if someone is on LinkedIn there’s a 46 percent chance they’re going to have a Twitter page.

Doug: Wow that’s huge.

Keith Keller: It’s huge! So that synergy of saying, “You’re connected with me on LinkedIn, you’re connected with me on Twitter. It doubles the effect. It brings the intimacy up a notch, doesn’t it? This is very powerful because there’s only a 24 percent chance if you’re on Facebook that you have a Twitter page. Because Twitter is so ubiquitous, and that everyone has one, that not many people have transferred over to the Twitter experience. If you’re on LinkedIn and you like it because there are 500 million people on LinkedIn … cracked 500 million this week. If you’re on LinkedIn and you like it, chances are most of your connections will be on Twitter as well. So might as well hang out there as well because Twitter is a fun and funky thing. What’s the name of your podcast? “Real Marketing. Real Fast.” Well that’s Twitter 101, isn’t it?

Doug: It is. It’s super easy because you don’t have to go through the trouble of finding a cool image. You can just send out some information “hey, I’m chatting to Kieth Keller on my podcast. Look forward to it” and boom, out it goes in a few seconds. And just a tip for our listeners. One of the highest opened emails that you’ll ever send in an email marketing campaign is your welcome email when somebody signs up to your list. And I always always always include a personal invitation for people to connect with me on my social media platforms Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Because that’s the email that will always get the most engagement. You’ll never get more engagement with your list than your first email so why not ask right up front to get in front of them on another platform because they may not open all your emails, but they’re going to see your message on Twitter and Facebook and a LinkedIn.

Keith Keller: Yeah, I think that’s very powerful. Because Twitter is fast and funky it suits certain character types. LinkedIn is a bit more professional and it suits certain character types. So having the combination of the two … and here’s a set that will knock you down … I don’t know if you know this stat, but there is a very very very high correlation between people who love listening or making podcasts to people who are on Twitter. 55 percent of people who listen to podcasts are on Twitter. 55 percent. Isn’t it cool that we’re doing the right things? The chances are people that are listening to this podcast have a Twitter account already. And if you do, please follow me at #KiethKeller. If you don’t, I recommend you try it because it’s still funky, yeah?

Doug: Yeah, it still works. The question becomes, “How long do I have to do this?” And you’ve got to make an investment. And it’s got to be part of your plan. You can’t just throw a few things up. But, I’ve been reading a really good book and it’s called “The Slight Edge”. And I’ve really enjoyed the book because it talked doing little small things everyday. And, just like you mentioned, if you spend the ten minutes a day on your Twitter account, if you’ve got other accounts you might be up to thirty or forty minutes a day, or get an EA to help you. But it’s just little things every day build your audience, build your audience. I’ve been getting access to some high-end edition … additional high-end guests for the podcast that don’t reveal their email address on their website, and have a contact for them.

So I found it’s a direct link to the influencers using Twitter, direct message and Instagram direct message. I have to admit. I have to give credit to the DM idea to Gary Vaynerchuk who said, “There’s no reason why you can’t reach people on social. You can direct message them.” And I started doing that and, to my surprise, I just kept reaching and reaching. The first ask wasn’t like you mentioned. It wasn’t “hey, do you want to be a guest on my podcast?” It was a conversation around what they were already doing. What I like. And maybe after five or six engagements then there was an “I’d love to invite you on my show as a guest. I think you’d bring lots of value to my audience.” So there’s a great way if you’re trying to reach people so convert that thinking to sales. “I’m trying to reach someone from XYZ Corporation. I can’t get to the decision maker.” Maybe there’s a different way where the gatekeeper’s not there.

Keith Keller: Let me pick up on that idea because we keep coming back to the question, “Give me some examples of when this has worked.” Because Twitter is a global thing, and the time clock just keeps ticking around where ever you live, I’ve developed a little habit now, please don’t tell my wife, that when about 11:00 PM I just quickly check my messages to, sort of tidy up my global vibe. Just to see if there’s anyone in London, or Berlin or New York that might’ve sent me a message while I was having dinner. Because there’s a big chunk of time when I’m having dinner, watching TV that I don’t tweet. And there’s this one particular night, 11 PM on a Tuesday night, where a guy said, “I love your Twitter feed. If you’re ever in New York I would like to invite you to come and speak to our board.” That’s a direct invitation to speak.

So, “Well that’s really lovely. I’m not planning to be in New York next week, but I actually would like to keep a rain check for that.” And we had this moment. It was about ten minutes. That happens to me all the time. What happened was, this guy was the Global Marketing Manager for Merca. And he just so happened to be in his jammies having a piece of toast, doing exactly what I’m doing at the reverse end of the day. “I’ve got to be in the office in a half an hour but I’ll quickly check my messages while I’m having the jam and toast and coffee because maybe overnight there were some important messages that I missed.”

So once you get your head around the fact that shakers and movers, [inaudible 00:26:14], are hanging out on Twitter because that’s where the action is, and you get into the headset that I was checked this guy at 11 PM my time, 7 AM his time. He invited me to speak to his board in New York anytime I’m in New York, in a way it’s a reason to go by itself, but what a lovely compliment. And that all happened because I was open to the idea that he’s a guy that liked my stuff and we’re chatting. We’re two human beings communicating in time.

Doug: I think people are forgetting that. With all the AI out there, and all the bots, and all the automation, at the end of the day, the bots don’t buy anything. It’s you and I that buy things, and we buy things from people that we like and trust.

Keith Keller: It’s just a compelling thing and I really want to encourage people to spend ten minutes a day investigating Twitter, even if they just DM a few people or just share a few things. I think the best way to be an active citizen on Twitter is just to find a few core things and share them, like this podcast or … You might have read this really cool blog and thought “You, know I think my friends would like that.” It’s an active way to be in the game.

Doug: Absolutely. And the stuff you can do that like you mentioned when we got started, you said that you work with a lot of new startups. And it’s a way for the startup to get out there and start getting their message out there without writing a check or having to pull out their credit card.

Keith Keller: That’s probably the most important part of [inaudible 00:27:45] experience is that it allows people who are just starting to get started without buckets of money invested.

Doug: Do you work with people as well running ads for them on Twitter?

Keith Keller: Yeah, at the moment we’re running some ads for this company called “Nimble Quotes.” The research that I’ve done about Twitter ads is really quite compelling. They say that per dollar spent Twitter actually stacks up pretty well as an ROI efficiency thing. Now Facebook Ads … Everyone’s heard of Facebook Ads and most people have explored them, but they can be expensive and a bit of a sink. Just money down the toilet. If you do them well, they can work really well, but I have heard that Twitter ads are quite a compelling ROI for the money spent. And we’re just doing ten dollars a day for Jen in Toronto, and she’s getting two thousand views to her video with her just tweeting that a little bit. I’m starting to explore Twitter ads because “paid social” is what we call it. It’s coming, isn’t it? It’s really ubiquitous now, isn’t it?

Doug: Yeah, I think so. I was reading some stats yesterday from somebody who’s an author in the US and she’s got quite a large consulting company. She probably does six figures or more a month so she’s well into … with all of her businesses, into the eight-figure number. And she basically broke down the quality of visitors and she said people that she gets from paid ads are better than she gets from search. Now those are her words, not mine, so she would rather pay twenty-five dollars to give away her book than try to optimize and have someone from search find it because she found that the back end conversion for her upsell into a product had a higher close ratio.

Keith Keller: Michael Hyatt who’s a guy I really admire, I know that he spent about forty thousand dollars on one campaign on social ads and that sounds like a load of money but he actually made four hundred and eight thousand dollars as a result of the customers that he got from that campaign. So he got a ten to one return. He spent some money up front, but the clients that he got as a result of that campaign spent ten times what he spent on getting them. That’s a no-brainer that anyone can work out. I wouldn’t spend forty thousand dollars straight up, but you might spend a thousand dollars. The quality is right. That’s why spending money on social is popular now because of the quality of the client … you’re preconditioning them, aren’t you?

Doug: I did have a look at the video that you guys have created. So, do you want to talk a bit about videos on Twitter? I’m seeing more of those happen. Honestly, I just haven’t gotten there yet. It’s kind of one of those “on my to-do lists” and I just never have got around to doing a video on Twitter.

Keith Keller: The reason why I’m very very very excited about Twitter video is that you can now do 140 seconds. It used to be 30 seconds and for a long time, I couldn’t see the point of doing 30-second videos. I couldn’t tell my story. I couldn’t get my mojo. But what I’ve started doing, and many people do it differently, but what I’ve started doing is I’ve just started … because Melbourne’s got four million people, and I just spoke at an event last week where several of those really cool people were there. So I just go up to people and I say, “Okay, tell me your story. What are you doing? Let’s just have a chat” and we just edit it down. And some of those videos have gone quite well. So the great power of Twitter video … this is the power of it, is that it’s 140 seconds, really almost the ideal time. So it auto-plays on Twitter inside a tweet. I mean that’s powerful.

You [crosstalk 00:31:44] at any given time. The static pages, they just don’t [inaudible 00:31:49] anymore. So if you add a video to your tweet, you’ve got something like a 300 percent chance … more chance of getting noticed. Mari Smith calls this “thumb-stopping content”. Sitting at Starbucks you’ve got ten minutes to wait while they’re making your mocha latte with caramel sauce, whatever they have now. And you’re sitting there, and you’re making this really cool. They’ve got a special on you’re trying this really funky latte and you’re going, “Oh no worries. Just take your time.” And you’re sitting there, what are you going to do? You’re going to grab your phone. And you’re grabbing your phone and you’re going down, and you scroll down and there’s comment, comment, comment, picture comment, comment, comment, comment, picture, video. Bang! It just knocks you out. You go, “Wow, okay. I’ve got ten minutes. If I only have enough time to do one tƒhing, I’ll watch this short video” because you know it’s only two minutes.

And the power of doing videos … And say, for instance, the next time we do this this way. Say, for instance, we recorded this as a video. It comes out as a podcast in its entirety, 30 minutes. But I could do little two minute snippets of the highlights. “Okay, Kieth. Tell me about Twitter video.” I would just do that bit. “Okay, Kieth. Why should people use Twitter?” I would just do that bit. And it’s a discipline because … Like 140 characters is a discipline, 140 is hard to get really compelling data squashed into that time. But … I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this, lots and lots and lots of my friends say “Man, I’ve just been interviewed. I’m on YouTube.” “Yeah, great!” It goes like ninety minutes. I’m going “I’m I’m I’m I’m not watching ninety minutes! I love you. I love you. You’re my best friend, but I’m not watching ninety minutes of video.”

Doug: Yeah, it’s nice to have something shorter.

Keith Keller: Just the highlights. It’s exactly the same … is my very very very good friend [inaudible 00:33:44] go of the season, they take three thousand photos. It’s exactly the same. And they put it up in the background while we’re all having a party. And I say, “Wouldn’t it have just been more polite to just give me a hundred? Three thousand at one a second, well how long is that going to take me? It’s like an hour.” So you’re sitting there watching this stream of photos go past and you’re thinking, “Some of those are quite good.” This is exactly the analogy I use for Twitter video. “Why don’t you grab those highlight photos and put them into five minutes and put a little music behind it, and just give me two minutes of your trip to Italy? There’s the leaning tower of Pisa, there’s the Colosseum.” Everything on Twitter is short and fast and funky. It’s the exact opposite of what we call long form. I’m not watching hour-long videos on YouTube. I’m just not. I just don’t have time and I just don’t want to, yeah?

Doug: That’s pretty cool. I’ll have to move that up on my list of stuff to do, and get some videos onto my Twitter feed.

Keith Keller: Well lets some intention to do a Zoom next time and I’ll do it for you.

Doug: I’ll accept. That sounds good. You key it up, we’ll do that offline, and … before we wind up for our episode today, I want to ask you for the best way that people can find you online.

Keith Keller: The best way is @keithkeller on Twitter. And I’m guessing you’re on Twitter because a lot of people are. If not, it’s Twitter.com/kiethkeller just the @ symbol. I love sharing what I know, so what I’ve done is I’ve got ten-part podcasts on iTunes completely free. No strings attached “Crack the Twitter Code.” And I was interviewed by a very good friend of mine and we broke it down into ten really compelling parts, fifteen minutes each. It just breaks it all down. Really super simple. You start off knowing nothing, and you come out the other end at episode ten and you really got everything you need. And that’s my sort of free offering to the world. If people need to know more, they can go to CracktheTwitterCode.com, and I’m proud to say that I consult all over the world to really cool startups and entrepreneurs all sorts of really cool people that are starting to get their head around Twitter. It’s a fun ride.

Doug: That’s excellent. Well, so there you have it, listeners. You hopefully have got some new information and realize that Twitter is not dead. If you consider a hundred million audience dead then I really have nothing more for you. But if you think there’s an opportunity there, I suggest that you take a look at the links in the show notes. So in the show notes, we’ll have all the background and bio on Keith. A full transcription of our conversation, and then links to all of his various websites and social media sites. So thanks so much for listening. I hope to see you tune back in for our next episode. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes. If you’re an iTunes listener and, if you like the show leave us a review. So until next time, keep working and keep having fun.


Resources from this episode

Keith’s podcast: Crack The Twitter Code


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