Doug Morneau is a serial entrepreneur and founded his first company over 32 years ago. Doug is a passionate lifelong learner and expert marketer with significant experience in email marketing. Doug has the ability to quickly understand concepts, adapt to new technologies and new media, making him a valuable contributor to any sales and marketing problem-solving conversation, or marketing strategy session. Doug is a dynamic, powerful, and knowledgeable speaker that never fails to add value. Doug has served as a past member of both the Data & Marketing Association (formerly the Direct Marketing Association – DMA), and their Technology Council, as well as the Email Experience Council – EEC
Doug just recently launched his podcast, REAL MARKETING REAL FAST
Doug has made his clients in excess of $100 million dollars, leveraging email marketing and renting third-party email permission-based lists making him the nation’s largest media buyer of email lists.
Doug has a deep understanding of the venture capital and public companies’ need to execute both investor awareness marketing and marketing for the public companies products and services to drive new revenue. Life is very rarely always sunshine and roses. Doug has made it big, lost it all and started over a few times. Only the true veterans can weather the many storms that one experiences when building a business.
Doug and his companies have always been significant contributors to the community, charities, and those in need. As a volunteer and director of several charities, corporate and government boards, he has taken the same focused, driven, hard work ethic to these efforts as well. “To whom much is given. much is expected”
Doug Morneau was born and raised in Burnaby – New Westminster (suburbs of Vancouver) Canada. His father worked for the City as a laborer while his mom stayed at home to look after him and his brother, and taught private swimming lessons.
At a young age, Doug had a keen interest in business, reading business books, and learning as much as he could about the Vancouver Stock Market (now the TSX-V Venture Exchange). His grandfather was a business role model, and at a young age encouraged Doug to follow the market and begin investing in the seed stock of new ventures (then $0.15) he was going to list on the stock exchange. So began the pleasure of capital gains.
In his early teens, Doug worked several jobs and saved all he could to buy his first car and begin to travel. Doug had dreams to be successful like his Grandfather who retired at 36. After retiring he, owned and sold several more businesses, and brought a gold and silver mines into production.
While in school, Doug established his first sole proprietor business followed by several more. After graduating early with honors, Doug started an apprenticeship with the goal to set up a manufacturing company. During this time he completed the Canadian Securities Course – CSC.
The entrepreneurial bug had been planted in Doug, and began to grow and produce a harvest.
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