
Step into the fast-paced world of ‘Real Marketing Real Fast’ with me, Doug Morneau. Each episode is a power-packed journey through the twists and turns of digital marketing and website acquisition. Expect unfiltered insights, expert interviews, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. This isn’t just another marketing podcast; it’s your front-row seat to the strategies shaping the digital landscape.


Adams Tips:

  • Develop a client attraction mindset
  • Make money first, build the business second
  • You Can’t scale zero
  • Five “C’s” – Crowd, Capture, Convert, Cash Value, Continuity

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Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio, I’ve got a guest joining me, his name is [Adam Urbanski 00:00:09], and he is known as the millionaire marketing mentor. He is the go-to guy for coaches, consultants, and other successful professionals who want to attract more clients, convert more high-value sales, build authority brand, and grow a lifestyle that makes a bigger impact while generating more income. His clients and students have often doubled, tripled, and even 10 times their business in as little as 90 days. Adam started out with $194 and a limited ability to speak English, but he was able to build and sell his first seven-figure business in less than 10 years.

Today, Adam influences over 100,000 coaches, consultants, speakers, experts, online marketers, and entrepreneurs worldwide, teaching them how to transform their limiting, time-intensive businesses into automated, money-making machines that attract clients like crazy. If you’re interested in any of these topics, I would suggest you listen close, and help me to welcome Adam to the Real Marketing Real fast podcast.

Adam Urbanski: Doug, thanks for having me here, look forward to the conversation.

Doug: I’m looking at your background and your website and the services you offer, and even your introduction. You’ve got an amazing service you can offer consultants and businesses. If you want to walk us through just a little bit about some of the programs and the way that you work with people, and you’ve had these amazing breakthroughs.

Adam Urbanski: Yeah, absolutely, I appreciate you asking about this. The funny thing is, that if you look at, I’ve made so much money on the internet, and if you look at my online presence, probably the worst possible online presence you can have for an online marketer, but it’s a little bit of my trick. People always wonder, it’s like, “Well, how do you make money online without having really good websites?” I’m like, “Well, I’m not focusing on the websites.” Websites are just one of those little crutches that certainly can expedite the whole process, but nevertheless, it’s just a crutch, it’s a little tool in your toolbox, but you can definitely make money without it.

Today, I’m really focused just on a couple of programs primarily. My mission is to eradicate entrepreneurial failure, I do it by training entrepreneurs how to market themselves better, and my particular expertise, just before we went live, you said “your superpower”, and I like that word because I use it a lot with my clients, so my particular superpower is helping people really accelerate their revenue. I call it my fastest path to cash, it’s like, “What’s the simplest possible path for you to accelerate revenue in your business?”, and I really break it down into two stages.

My first stage is, I call it revenue rev up, and it’s only for companies or someone between zero to about 120, 150, maybe 175,000 in the last 12 months, and our expertise is doubling that revenue in just the next 12 weeks, so we really condense, truncate, and accelerate the revenue generation. Then the second part, once they went through this and they were able to typically play the game, we call it a game, when they play it the right way, they can bring in at least 100k in the next 90 days. That’s usually a nice chunk of cash, nice infusion, and then we have a second program that we work with them, it’s called masters forum, and this is where we truly enter all the aspects of entrepreneurial growth, from growing yourself.

Entrepreneurs, every single day of the week, we need to wake up and be a different person. If you wake up twice in a week and you’re the same person you were yesterday, you’re already behind, right? From just making your first dollar to getting your first client to hiring your first employee to becoming a visionary leader in your company, I mean every single day you’re practicing new skills. We call it masters forum, it’s less about tactics, it’s really about being a strategist and a visionary behind your own growth in your own company.

Doug: Well, do you want to share with us, I mean I’m sure everybody listening, regardless of how much income you’re making, so if you’re making $50,000 or you’re making $1 million, an extra $100,000 in the next 12 weeks, you could probably find a place for it, even after taxes, there’d be a little bit left. Do you want to share with us a couple of tactics on how you help people change their mindset to achieve that?

Adam Urbanski: You know, it’s an interesting thing, because there’s a book by [Kieth Furazi 00:04:22], Who’s Got Your Back? When I read this back a few years back, I was kind of in the place, I was in a rough place, relationship, personally, I really, within the first few pages I found myself curled in the fetal position and just sobbing uncontrollably, you know, “Where’s my life going?” He talks about who’s got your back, but he starts with this story of Weight Watchers. I forget the lady’s name, but he kind of proceeds with the story of how they got together, and she discovered really the support system helps people stay accountable and achieve those great results in terms of losing weight and keeping it off.

Then he talks about the fact that you can’t change another person’s mindset. You can educate them all you want, you can’t change their mindset. The only way to change their mindset is to provide people with the tool, and then train them around using a certain tool, and as they start using the tool, then they start acquiring, they start thinking differently, they start seeing different possibilities, and their mindset shifts. The question is, how do you change people’s mindset?

I don’t try to change people’s mindset, I try to think of how do I give them a better tool, how do I teach them a process? As they learn this process and start using it, they start realizing, “Oh, you know I can get better results if I do it this way. Oh, and if I think this way, you know things start shifting for me.” Its kind of like you can lead the horse to the water, you can’t make it drink.

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Doug: That’s right, yeah.

Adam Urbanski: It’s allowing people to draw their own conclusions. Now I’m throwing a bunch of cliches at you, for some reason they just come up for me this morning, you know but it’s like if you change the mind against its will, it’s of the same opinion still. The worst thing you can tell people is like, “Well, you should be thinking this way.” It’s like, “Well yeah, based on what? Says who?”, but when they arrive at it at their own volition, just kind of through their own process of discovery or working on something, then it really sticks, then it’s truly a mindset shift.

Doug: Okay, so then what would you suggest then? I agree with you, and I mention mindset because often I see people that think too small, you know they’re saying, “Hey, I want to grow my business by 5%,” and I’m going, “Well, why not 500%?” I may have used “mindset” the wrong way, I tend to have an ability to think in a really large scale. You would help them to develop the tools or systems, so could you give us a specific example of that?

Adam Urbanski: Develop the tools and systems, specific example, let me just think through how we’d go about this.

Doug: Well, I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, but you said it was more around helping them to look at this and work through it a different way.

Adam Urbanski: I’m going to give you kind of a roundabout example, and then come back to my specific situation. You know again, I don’t know if you just mentioned this, for whatever reason I just have Infusionsoft stuck in my head, so infusion is a tool, it’s a platform, it’s a CRM, it can be just an email system, it could be a complete e-commerce setup. An average entrepreneur starting their business, they’re really thinking about just like, “How do I make a kill, how do I get a client?” Now, enter Infusionsoft, and all of the sudden they start being educated about, “Look, here’s about getting lead, here’s about nurturing that lead, here’s about turning that lead into a client, and then turning that client into a repeat purchaser over a period of time, and maybe even eventually an evangelist, who brings you additional referrals and initial clients.”

Now, a simple tool that before, you just went like, “I just want to keep track of my database,” now you start having a whole different framework around how to build the business, how to actually build the marketing machine in your system, so your mindset has definitely shifted from, “I want to make a kill,” to, “Now I’m going to have a machine in place.” In my case, something that I teach my clients is the five C compound business job acceleration system. It’s really, you know if you look at just several different pressure points where you push in the business and it grows, those are the five Cs.

For me, it’s very simple, it’s grow the crowd size, this is your audience, then how do you capture that audience? You can control it with either email, a Facebook group, some sort of database, how do you convert that audience into a first time buyer, what’s the cash value of each transaction, how can you increase it, and then what’s the continuity, how do you go from one transaction to another? Specifically, I mean you can make it very complex and very simple. For me to help clients accelerate their businesses, I look at just three things, how do you capture or get attention of the right audience, how do you convert them into clients with rapid speed, and how do you jack up the cash value of the transaction?

If we can just do those three things, and ideally I don’t even look at technologies, I just give people the simplest components, what do you need to do to get the attention of your ideal clients? Maybe with that is developing your perfect prospect persona. Here’s a mindset shift, you know everybody is your client. Well no, I mean everybody potentially could be, but if that’s your approach, you’re probably struggling. Let’s identify the perfect potential client. Now here’s a fascinating mindset shift that occurs with just that simple exercise, it’s a process, perfect prospect persona.

Now, it’s fascinating for me, Doug, as I watch this process with clients, that probably one in 100 will write in as one of the descriptors for the perfect prospect, “Must have enough money to pay me with ease.”

Doug: That’s funny.

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Adam Urbanski: It’s mind-boggling, wouldn’t you think that’s like one of the first criteria, my clients can easily pay me, their money is not a problem? Nobody puts it in their description, I’m like, “Well, if that’s not a descriptor, and then you ask me the next question, which is, ‘Why is it that most people I’m talking to can’t afford my services?’, I’m like, ‘Well hello.'”

Doug: You’re targeting the wrong people.

Adam Urbanski: You forgot to add this one client file, right? Then they add this in and they start thinking completely different, it’s like, “Well, you’re right, so who’s got the money? Where do they hang out, what do they read?” Again, they start changing, a very simple exercise, perfect prospect persona, and now you start thinking differently about your audience.

Doug: Yeah, that totally makes sense. I mean, and I like your other comment there, you said it’s not always about technology, it’s just about what you said, capture, convert, and then increase cash value. I have a post-it note on the side of my computer that it says, “Always milk the cow before building the farm.”

Adam Urbanski: I love this, I love this.

Doug: I struggle because I’ll get into the technology and go, “Oh, look at that, I can set up this new database, and I can do funnels, and I can do this and I can do that.” It’s like, “Hang on a sec, that’s going to be a six-month distraction from my business.” What I really need to do is phone somebody on my list and ask them to buy my services, and then maybe some point I’ll go down that long technology role.

Adam Urbanski: But you know, so anyway, I’ve got to geek out on the cow statement first, because I’ve got all sorts of cow metaphors. I talk about being an entrepreneur is like being in a field chasing wild cows, and finally you catch one. Instead of milking it for all it’s got, you now let that cow go and start chasing another one. Like what possessed you? You caught one cow, milk it for all it’s got, but where your comment comes in, I teach my class like, “Look, make money first, build business second.” Every single person does it in reverse, they focus on logistics, they focus on technology, on tools, and none of that makes money.

What makes money is exactly what you described, pick up the phone, call someone, and ask them for the business. You know Doug, as simple as we know it is, it actually takes a boatload of maturity in business and a lot of skills and courage to be able to do that and to do that consistently, to the point where we figure out, “Okay, here’s what actually makes my business work, now let’s bring in some technology and leverage technology so we can make the work easier, and then start scaling it.”

Doug: What do you think has been the biggest myth around this tactic? Because I mean, your background and your website and your bio, those are pretty bold statements. I’m okay with bold statements, I mean I read a book years ago by an author by the name of Dr. [Price Pritchet 00:12:44], and he said, “What if all the barriers were imaginary?” I always stick to that, and I’m not a conformist, but to help people grow their businesses that quick, what do you think comes to people’s mind when you say that, what may hold them back?

Adam Urbanski: Man, so much misinformation today. Number one, my favorite thing, and it’s the foundation of everything that I do today with my clients, is implementation it’s fundamental, information is supplemental. Here’s what I want you to think about, think of the first person that did anything, I mean the first person that sold something, first person that built a funnel, first person that did a webinar. Did they have a manual, did they go through a 12-week program learning how to do it? No, they just kind of stumbled upon something, or like they got an idea and they go like, “Oh, how about I just go and do it?”

You know, in a way, I’m not telling you, “Don’t educate yourself completely,” I’m not trying to tell you, “Do nothing but hardcore experience,” because it’s pretty expensive on its own, but today as a society, we enter this modality where we have to go and get trained and educated and certified and licensed to be able to do something, that’s totally anti-entrepreneurial. If you want to really do something, start doing it, and I promise you in the process of doing it, you’re going to learn 100 times more 10 times faster than you can learn from any single course. You’re going to figure out all the nuances, all the nooks, and crannies, you’re going to be actually able to confidently speak to what works, what doesn’t work from first, hands-on experience.

In fact, I think that over-educating actually hinders people, because then they start learning about everything they don’t know, or everything that supposedly doesn’t work. I always talk about the dumbest business building method, and I love clients who just kind of put blinders on, and you tell them, “Oh, go do something.” Then they do, and they do it the AKA completely wrong way. Then they come back and they go like, “Well look,” and they create pretty awesome success, and everybody around goes like, “Well, you know how did you do that?”, and they kind of go like, “Well, you know I read this, I got to do this, and I just went and did that, and it worked.”

Doug: That’s funny.

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Adam Urbanski: It was like, “But it’s not supposed to work,” and they go like, “Oh, well I didn’t know that I just did it.” I love this because we … Education is number one, and then it’s a bunch of myths like, man, it drives me nuts when somebody comes to me and the first thing out of their mouth is like, “Well, I need to build a funnel because I want to scale my business.” I’ve got two things now, number one is F the funnel, and number two is you can’t scale zero. How about we make some money first, and then we worry about scaling it? First, make active income before you worry about passive income.

Again, those are like big myths that are just being so crammed into entrepreneurial throats today that people are choking on it and they can’t take any action. They always think like there’s something wrong with them, and someone else knows something they don’t know. Well, let me give you a little secret, they don’t.

Doug: How do you help people move past that? Because I imagine, like you said, we don’t need any more information, there’s enough information on the internet to choke a horse about marketing and email and social media and Facebook, and on and on and on it goes, so how do you help your clients? Because I mean those are, you’re promising and delivering big results, so how do you get them to implement, take those steps, and move forward in spite of their fears, their concerns, or doubts?

Adam Urbanski: Just to put a little background to it, you know like many gurus online, I went the route of webinar, to some sort of enrollment session, I had a couple people doing those enrollment sessions with selling 12k class coaching programs, and I was almost bragging to all the friends like, “Look, I’ve got all those people coming in every single day of the week signing up, many of them, I don’t even talk to them.” In my coaching program, I don’t even talk to them ’til like three months in, they raise their hand and go like, “Hey, I want some coaching here.” The only problem was that they were not getting any results.

I’ve been at this for a long time, this is my 18th year, and I was fortunate enough to coach many many big names in the industry, and some openly give me credit, some would prefer to forget that I’m the guy who took them to the [crosstalk 00:17:06], but that’s okay. I’m like, “Man, I’m used to those great successes, great results, and we’re not having them.” Mid last year, actually so a year and a half now almost, 2016, I said, “You know, this is it. I’m pausing it all and I have to dismantle this because one of my personal statements is always like I sleep very soundly at night. I don’t owe anybody anything, you can dig all the dirt you want online, you know 15, 16, 17, 18 years later, you can’t find any dirt on me, and it’s because I like to deliver on my promises,” and I felt like I wasn’t.

I dismantled this whole thing, and meanwhile, I’ve got thousands of hours of intellectual property. Now my problem, Doug, was like how do I launch all of this in a year? Essentially, I was thinking, “How do I now sell all of this stuff to all the people that come to me?”, and my ultimate answer became, “Okay, what am I all about?”, and I’m all about creating results for clients. I asked myself, “So if I were to do this, you know what’s the ultimate hack to get results for clients fast?” The answer was, like well you’ve got to scrap all this content, like all of this stuff is irrelevant. I’m actually on a mission over the next year to give away all my intellectual property that I’ve recorded and so on, because to now answer your core question, how do we get those results, it’s a maxed out, Spartan-like focus on deployment.

We essentially focus, I gave you the five Cs earlier, crowd, capture, conversion, cash, continuity, I focus on three things. What’s the fastest way to get you the ideal lead, so what’s the fastest way to get this attention or capture? We train you in conversion, most people are horrible at sales, and by the way, face to face, you know mouth to mouth, person to person connection is the easiest way to convert a person into a client, especially when it comes to high dollar amount transactions. If you can’t do that, you certainly can’t write a decent sales letter to convert people online, and most people try to do it completely automatically through funnels, big mistake. They don’t even know what the hot buttons are, they don’t even know what the benefits are, I mean they completely suck at conversion.

That’s the second part, we teach them how to have decent sales conversations. By the way, non-pressure selling is nonexistent, because if someone wants to fix a problem they’ve been struggling with and they haven’t fixed, there’s always some pressure, there’s always some friction you have to help them break through, but there’s different between pressure, assertiveness, and sleaze and manipulation. That’s a whole different conversation, so it’s non-manipulative consultative education-based selling. Then we help them structure their offers, I call it unique service solution, USS, how do we package your services?

A lot of service professionals will go into like one hour a week, some sort of, almost like a default from therapy times like, “Oh, look at that, your hour is up, see you next week.” It’s like we transition completely from hourly to results-based, what’s the result that you can deliver, and what’s the framework we need to build that you can hit that delivery mark every single time? Those are kind of the three levels, like what’s the capture, what’s the connection with the right crowd? How can I teach you to enroll that crowd at the very high price? Then again the last one is how do we package your programs into something that can command a high price, and again, be very desirable by your market?

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At the same time, it’s something you’re very passionate about delivering. It completely harnesses, again, your superpowers. We have a process of converting your superpowers into what I call silver bullets, so if you took your ideal clients, what are the three silver bullets you have to fire to pretty much deliver the results you promised, like guaranteed? You say I make no bold statements, I do. In that year and a half almost since we started this program, now our promise from the very get-go is we’re going to double your income in 12 weeks or less. Doug, I’ve got 90 to 95% success rate.

Doug: That’s amazing.

Adam Urbanski: We’ve taken about 110 clients through the process in about last about, a little bit less than year and a half now, 90% success rate.

Doug: Well, can I ask you this kind of off-topic question? When you’re talking about the fastest ways to get attention and then walk people through the sales process as face to face, and I would agree that face to face and having offline conversations, I think that maybe people don’t want to have face to face conversations or on the phone because they have fear of talking to people and rejection, so they just think it’s easier to get through sales automation email or websites. Open to your feedback, what are your thoughts on why people want to do everything automated like that?

Adam Urbanski: Great question, and man, we could probably do a whole workshop on this. You know, depending on the age, I think we’re all brought up, first of all, people completely despise sales because they don’t understand selling. I often joke that by the time I’m done with someone, I turn them into marketing and sales monsters, they love sales, because they realize that it’s none of this manipulative stuff. You know typically ask people, “What do you think when it comes to sales?”, still to this day, they talk about used car salesman, I mean it’s such a perpetuated-

Doug: Those poor guys, they’re always picked on.

Adam Urbanski: No kidding.

Doug: I’d go into the schools and talk to kids that they’re going to graduate or in college, and I’d ask them, “When I say the word ‘sales’, what do you think of?”, and that’s the top one that comes up. Then after they finish this long list of derogatory comments, I said, “Do any of you ever want to get married?” They look at me, I said, “Well, you’d better learn some sales skills because you’re going to need to convince somebody that you’re the best person that’s ever going to come along. Do any of you want to get a job when you leave? Yes? Well, you need to convince somebody, so change your thinking on sales.” Like you said, there’s sleazy guys, but that’s not the norm. If you’ve got a product or service of value and you can help change someone’s life through what you’re offering, then you ought to ask for it.

Adam Urbanski: Yeah. You know, to answer your question, maybe just give a couple of insights, but I actually want to come back to that, that process of selling, you know selling as a service. I think that there’s, I sort of found a little bit of a description that really helps my clients, they kind of [inaudible 00:23:31]. Depending on the age, some people, you know look, many people grew up in the era where they were trained as professionals, whether it was coaches, especially therapists. You realize that when they went through school, they were taught that marketing is unethical? Marketing your services as a therapist was unethical, and it’s just mind-boggling today, but that was the fact.

Doug: Wow.

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Adam Urbanski: If they were considered a professional, you know an accountant, a CPA, a financial planner, it was unethical to market yourself. You should just [inaudible 00:24:04], and clients will come to you. I mean, mind-boggling, but that was kind of the era they grew up in. The younger generation, they’re so into technology, they literally lack social skills to connect and build rapport with someone quickly, unless it’s done via text, you know. It’s really teaching folks, but again, going back to that point of understanding sales, look, if someone has entered into a conversation with you where it’s either overtly or at least subtly covertly implied that “Look, we’re going to explore whether or not we’re going to work together,” and if it’s a fit, a sale will take place. If someone enters that conversation with you, it’s not because they had nothing better to do, it’s not because they don’t have any better friends than you.

Realize this, if you fail to help them make a decision to solve their problem, if appropriate through the solution that you are delivering, so if you fail to close the sale, two people are disappointed. Number one, you and your kids go hungry, and number two, that person that came to you, they need to go back on a merry-go-round, realize that you showed up and you were the ship called hope, you arrived in the harbor and they were hoping to embark on a journey and be delivered from the pain or suffering, or taken towards the pleasure they desire, and you failed them, you disappointed them. At the end of the conversation, they go like, “Oh crap, here we go again. I’ve got to start this whole cycle once again, I’ve got to look for another person with another possible solution, go through another freaking conversation, and hopefully, they will deliver me from the pain, because this knucklehead failed.”

You have to realize that if you don’t ask for the sale when appropriate, and if you don’t help the person overcome whatever heebie-jeebies they’ve got about making a decision, because they will certainly have some, and they will typically get camouflaged as like, “I’m busy, I don’t have the money, I’ve got to ask someone else to help me make a decision,” because they’ve been through that circle again, and they’re just afraid to pull the trigger, because that means they have to change. No one likes to change, and your job is to help them decide, “Yes, I want to change, yes, this is an important problem, yes, this is an appropriate solution, yes, this is the right time, I’m moving forward.”

That’s your job, and if you fail to do that job, they go right back to the misery situation they were in before, and again, everybody is disappointed. It’s really just changing your attitude towards sales through stories, anecdotes, again, learning a proper sales process, it makes all the difference.

Doug: Yeah, that’s really interesting, and that’s good insight. I was at an event once I was speaking at, and it just kind of struck me that for people who are adverse to sales, so I said, “You know what?”, this just kind of came to me, I said, “We’re being selfish. If we know we can help make somebody’s life better through our product or service that we offer and we don’t help them because we’re afraid to ask for the sale, then we’re just really being selfish, because we know we can help somebody. Who would walk by someone who needs help, and would just leave them there?”

Adam Urbanski: Absolutely, absolutely. You know, I like your story about asking kids, “Do you want to get married?” I talk about it all the time, it’s like, “Look, if you went out with some friends and you went to the restaurant that you wanted to go, if you went out to see a movie and you went out to see the movie you wanted to see, again, if you get married, if you get hitched with someone, if you get lucky one night, man, you sold, you closed the deal.” The point is, the entire purpose of communication for us humans is to be persuasive, we’re persuasive machines, so if you know anything about yourself as a human machine, just translate it to a selling machine.

If your lips are flapping, you are selling, that’s the only purpose. Look, right now I’m talking, I’m selling you on my point of view. You are talking, you’re selling others on your point of view. That’s the only reason we communicate.

Doug: Well, and there’s also the dating site as well, I mean I think lots of times, people are afraid to date for a bit, and so you know it’d be outrageous for me to meet you the first time or put up a post on social media, then expect you would buy a 15 or $20,000 course without having had any discussion or built any relationship or established any trust.

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Adam Urbanski: Correct, correct. You know, we are entering the opposite side now of closing a sale, which is qualifying the right prospect. To me, again, it’s like I don’t even call it sales conversations, I call them mutual fit assurance chats, that’s what we literally call them. It’s like, “Look, if you want to schedule a mutual fit assurance chat, you probably have a couple of questions for you, I’ve got a few questions for you because I certainly guarantee my results,” but I can’t guarantee them until I know them. You mentioned something, like, “Well, not everybody’s willing to just have those sales conversations.” Well, if you’re not willing to do that, then in my particular process, it will not be a fit, because I’m going to have to force you to do this.

That’s the only way in the way I teach my clients to accelerate your business. If you don’t have at least 100, 200 conversations with potential clients while you’re starting your business, you are ill-prepared to market your business beyond that point. No amount of delegation, automation, and technology wizardry is going to deliver results for you, because you’ve failed at step one, which is truly, really understanding your clients. You’ve got to just get on the phone and connect with them. I love stories of really big companies that have made it, like Airbnb, you know it’s a great story of these guys, actually first going to some of their first clients, taking pictures for them, asking them what worked, what didn’t work, “Did you like the payment process, did the booking process work?”, and doing the work manually before they actually have a system figured out.

How were they able to do this? It’s because they actually understood the clients, what were they looking for, what were their needs, what were the barriers, what were their criteria, what were they afraid of, what did they get excited about, what would help them make the listings put them online? From the entire process, if you’re not talking to your customers, you can’t develop the platform. Platform is just a bunch of technology that makes the process automated once you have a process, hence brings me full loop to Infusion Soft, you know for those of you in the know-how who know the machine, it’s often called “Confusion Soft”, right?

I always laugh, I’m like, “Well, perhaps they oversold it,” but here’s the fact: It will not solve all your problems. If you’re not clear what your business is, of course it would be a Confusion Soft, but for those who have a clear business model that have a machine, man, that is a savior, that’s going to save you two or three employees a year, and actually kick up your sales at the same process.

Doug: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the technology is there to leverage, but like you say, if you’re leveraging zero sales, you’re just going to have more.

Adam Urbanski: Yep.

Doug: You need to get out there, and he said, “Learn your business,” and then use technology, and I think lots of times people that struggle with technology, really they try to do it themselves. I’m sure, having talked to you for a few minutes here, that you’re probably going to suggest to your clients that they bring in people to help them, they don’t try to just wing it on their own and spend 12 weeks learning Infusion Soft.

Adam Urbanski: Absolutely. You know, so you talked about mindset, so here’s a very simple exercise that every single person can do. Look, here’s what I want you to do. Write down, as you’re listening to this, hopefully you’re not driving, if you’re somewhere where you can write down, write down the dollar amount in revenue you want to generate in your business in the next 12 months. 12 months from right now, write down the revenue amount. Let’s just say, I don’t know, let’s pick $100,000, right? $100,000, maybe you’re just having a starting position, you want to make $100,000 in the next 12 months, great. Now look at it, kind of take it in.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to make 100 grand? Now what I want you to do is cross that number off and rewrite it, but I want you to add a zero at the end and move the decimal point, so now it became $1 million. Now, here is where the magic happens. What I want you to do is start solving your problem from the perspective of owning a $1 million business versus $100,000 business. Here’s the difference: You’re going to encounter the same problems, but you’re going to solve them differently. Let’s just take a website, for example. A person that’s tried to get to $100,000, if they need to build a website, they’ll likely, like you said, take 12 weeks to figure out which WordPress theme should I get, and how do I build, you know they’re going to watch 12 hours of YouTube videos, “How to start a WordPress website, and how to start my blog.”

12 weeks later, you essentially have wasted tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue through opportunity cost. You’ve invested your time in things that you shouldn’t have invested in, because you didn’t understand how much your time is worth. Now start thinking, if you were a $1 million business, you were bringing $100,000, or close to it, in revenue a month, and you needed a new website. Would your first inkling be to go and start learning on YouTube how to build a website, or would you call a couple of buddies and go like, “Hey, who builds your website? Who can you recommend me to? I need a website in a week time, who do I go to that’s going to whip me out a great website without headaches?” That’s it, problem solved.

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You will be thinking, “Okay, well so I need to make an extra 10k sale this month, because I need to pay for my website.” You will be thinking, “How do I use my superpowers, my silver bullets, my skillsets, to contribute more value where I know how to contribute value, and provide a job to someone that knows how to provide value through building websites?”, but I have no business learning how to build a website.

Doug: Well, and the other side of that is, I’ve found I get a lot of referrals from suppliers, so people that I hire and do work with. Because if you work with good companies and you treat them as well as you treat a client, not only do they deliver an extraordinary service for you, but often they become a great source of referrals, because you know you’re in a different business than they are.

Adam Urbanski: Absolutely, so you know that’s an added side effect, that eventually you start building a network of people that just trust you, they like you, and they want to send their clients to you when they see a need.

Doug: I’ve got a question that I pulled out of Tim Ferris’s book, The Tribe of Mentors, which I thought was an interesting question, and often it’s reversed, it’s asked in a different way. My question would be, what are the bad recommendations that you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

Adam Urbanski: Well, as I mentioned, number one is start with building a funnel.

Doug: Okay.

Adam Urbanski: Horrible idea. A funnel is if you, again, it’s like, you know one of the things that I’ve discovered is I became a bit of a philosopher and I’ve realized that whenever you make one statement, the opposite of that statement is also true, it all depends on the context. In most situations, a funnel is a bad way to go, unless you’re an experienced entrepreneur, you understand marketing messaging, you understand psychology of human behavior, and you’ve learned it because you’ve had so many experiences, again, conversations with clients, potential clients over and over, and you knew what the hot buttons were, you knew the language.

Building a funnel, a horrible, horrible way. Again, the second thing is scaling. I hear this all the time, it’s like, “I want to scale my business, I’m worrying about, this is not scalable.” I’m like, “Who cares if it’s not scalable? You’re going to fix that problem when you get there. For right now, your biggest challenge is making money. In other words, don’t wait a year just to get a scalable process in place while making zero money. For me, it’s like, well why don’t you just start making 100k a month in a non-scalable way? What an amazing thing, do you know how many solutions $100,000 a month buys you? Don’t worry about scalable, you can scale to $1 million in a totally non-scalable way.

Doug: Yeah, you’ll figure it out. Like you said, when the cash is pouring in the door, it’s easy to hire a team and find people to do stuff like cut your grass and clean your house and cook your meals if you need to, until you can hire a technology person to help you.

Adam Urbanski: Yep, and you know I’m realizing that, again, for someone that’s been in business for a long time, I’ve been running my own companies for over 25 years, and I know you’ve been in business for a long time as well, I think as I’m sharing some of these ideas, you know we probably kind of, we’re probably in the studio, we’ll be giving each other smiles going like, “Yeah, we get it.” For entrepreneurs who are starting up, they often get swayed by the sexiness of something, you know and they get attached to one particular idea, like you know, “I’m going to build a podcast, and it’s going to make me the next [John Lee Dumas 00:36:58].”

It’s like, no, you know you realize this guy worked his ass off for a couple of years to get to the point where he could charge what he charges, and be visible and have the traffic. Because again, if you want to work on it for two years, great, but don’t think you’re going to start a podcast in a busy market and overnight you’re going to be making $2 million a year because you’re a podcaster. No, it’s just another vehicle, it’s just another tool. I think that one thing that I can’t quite name it, it doesn’t have a name, but realize that everything that we are paying attention to that’s served our way, emails, advertising, they’re typically hooks based on tactics, tactics are extremely sexy.

Realize, tactics that produce great results, they produce great results for people that have mastered those tactics, and they typically have worked on those tactics for a long, long time. Now they go, “Hey, let me show you how to do this, you know how to make $1 million in a weekend.” Well yeah, I can show you how to make $1 million in a weekend. Start your business for five years, build a killer list, deliver awesome value, then work your ass off for six months, you know bring 200 people into a room, and then learn how to sell from the stage at $25,000 up, and sell to 50 people. Here’s your million dollars, all right? Five years of sleepless nights, probably multiple times you count you lost a bunch of money, multiple times you looked like an idiot, and then eventually in one weekend, you made $1 million, here’s your marketing shortcut.

Doug: Yeah, that’s funny.

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Adam Urbanski: No one wants to buy that, but we buy the sexy tactic. That’s at epidemic proportions that more and more people become great tacticians. What they don’t understand is what’s the actual strategy that drives revenue in the business, so a tactic goes away, they go back to square one and go like, “Well, Facebook just took their algorithm away, and what do I do now?”

Doug: Yeah, and I think that’s great. I tell people all the time that I’m tactic agnostic. I tell them if your only tool is a hammer, you’ll approach every problem like a nail. Exactly like you said, figure out what your offering is and how to sell that, and then find the tactic, because tactics change. Like you said, Facebook just changed the algorithm. I’m super excited about that, because that means for me in terms of advertising for myself and my clients, there’s a lot less competition now in the Facebook feed, because we pay for it anyhow. Hooray for us, and I’m sorry for everyone else that was doing it for free, is out of luck, but that’s what happens when you hang your hat on one tactic.

Adam Urbanski: Absolutely.

Doug: That’s really cool. I think we could probably talk for hours, I really enjoy your conversation. I think you’re right, if we sat together in a room, I’d definitely be nodding listening to you as you walk through your presentation and shared with people. Are there any last parting thoughts or comments that you want to share with our audience before we wrap up our interview today?

Adam Urbanski: You know, probably just back to that one statement I made earlier, and I want to highlight it. Implementation is fundamental. You know, I’ll give you my little secret that kind of took me ahead of everybody else in my field, and every time I slow down, I need to go back and ask myself, “Am I still doing this?” Look, it’s a little bit of a paradoxical approach, because we can stop learning, but you have to realize that everything you learn, you most likely are going to dispose 90 to 95% if not more of what you’ve learned. If you’re trying to do more with what you learn, you’re overwhelming yourself. Out of everything you listen to, pick up that one to 10%, you know one idea, so if you listen to this topic today, and one idea stood out for you, forget about everything else and focus on this one idea.

The way you do this is, very quickly, make a list of a few things that stood out for you like, “Oh, that was a good idea, that was a good idea, that was a good idea.” Then ask yourself which one idea can you actually implement, and implement fast, in 72 hours? In three business days, you can take an idea from an idea to an actual money-making process in your business, ask yourself which one would it be. Usually, the way I would qualify ideas is biggest impact with minimum input, so again, what’s the fastest path to cash, what’s the least path of resistance, what’s the thing that will create the biggest bang for you right now where you’re at with the resources that you’ve got, with the fastest speed, with the least amount of resources and effort that you need to acquire or put in play to make it happen?

Identify the one idea, and for that one idea, you want to make a complete list of things that need to be deployed to make it happen. If you’re a husband, and your wife is nagging, “Take the trash out,” then that goes first. Okay, first take the trash out. Then second thing, whatever else you have to do. List every single thing that comes to mind that you have to do to make this idea a reality. Then a side step would be, ask yourself, “Are all those things really necessary?”, because you will realize that many of them you can actually skip, there are probably just a handful of steps that need to be deployed to make that idea a reality, kind of a minimum viable product approach.

Then go ahead and monetize it as quickly as you can. I know this is not a way to build another Facebook, and that’s not what I’m trying to teach you, but this is a way to start milking one cow, start to get that first drop of milk.

Doug: That’s right.

Adam Urbanski: Make money first, and once you start … Look, there’s no better feedback than from paying clients, and then don’t be afraid to ask your paying clients, “Okay, what’s good about what we are doing? What sucks about what we are doing?” Don’t be afraid to ask your paying clients what they don’t like about whatever they bought from you, because if you don’t ask, then you don’t know how to improve. If you only ask good things, you don’t know what the bad things are. That’s another kind of entrepreneurial pitfall, being afraid to ask tough questions. Anyway, off-topic, on the topic was use that process, identify a killer idea or a few ideas, select one.

For that one idea, list everything that needs to be done, filter that list to the very minimum, and in 72 hours, go from just an aha today to money in the bank in three days. Then repeat this over and over and over, either improve on that first idea, or go and monetize another idea.

Doug: Yeah, that’s great advice. I had a conversation just within the last few days, that exact conversation of someone that’s outlining their business path. I said, “Well, instead of having a whole bunch of $65 clients, why don’t you go get like a $10,000 client?”

Adam Urbanski: Or one $65,000 client, [crosstalk 00:43:40].

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Doug: Or 100 grand. Yeah, I remember, that was the biggest website we ever sold once, was $100,000, and someone said, “How did you do that?” I said, “Well, we just told them, ‘If you’re looking for the cheapest person to build a website, we’re not it, but I know I can help you earn revenue from this.'” The salesperson that worked for me is sitting in the room, and she just kind of looked at me and it’s like, “Well, why not ask?” We can solve the problem, so could we sell $10,000 websites? Yes we could, but this was a $100,000 problem we were solving, and the client said, “Yeah, I’m in,” and that was it.

Adam Urbanski: Bingo. You see, this is, again, something, you asked what my pet peeve is, funnels. A funnel will not tell you what people are buying, you must know what people are buying, versus when you get on the phone with a person and really listen, they will tell you what they’re buying. I can tell you that 99.9% of the time it’s not what you think you are selling if you’re starting out.


Doug: Yeah, they may not know, I’ve found that as well. I mean, we worked with the biggest international bank, and they contacted us to do some analytics for their program, they were raising money from investors, like $800,000, that wanted to emigrate to Canada. I looked at their data, and I said, “Well, I can do the analytics, that’s fine, but I think your bigger problem is you don’t have enough clients.” He looked and said, “What do you mean?”, I said, “Well, I can analyze your data, but you don’t have much data. I would suggest that you hire us to generate sales.” In that sales funnel approach, we might have got their business to do analytics, which would have been a small contract instead of a multi-year contract helping them to go internationally and grow their emigration program. Great, great point, tons of value.

Thanks so much, Adam. I really enjoyed this talk. I know you’re busy and you’re traveling and speaking lots, but I would love to at another time hook up with you, and to carry on this conversation. What is the best way for people to find you?

Adam Urbanski: Fastestpathtocash.club, that actually takes you to my Facebook group, and every week I do a tutorial-like training all about, again, tools and processes to accelerate your revenue fast, fastestpathtocash.club.

Doug: Okay, excellent. Who’s one guest that you think I absolutely have to have on the podcast?

Adam Urbanski: You know what, my good friend Molly Mahoney, you might not have heard of her, she’s known as a preferred performer, and she’s the foremost expert right now on using Facebook lives, and more importantly, Facebook messenger bots to drive leads and sales. She’s just crushing it, and she understands it like no one else.

Doug: Well excellent, we will reach out to Molly and we will ask her to come on the show. Thank you for your time, I think listeners, there’s a ton of value here. I’ve got a lot of other links that I’ll make sure that are in the show notes for you, so you can find Adam on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as his website, the fastestpathtocash.club. Make sure that you subscribe to us on iTunes, so you can continue to get these great episodes. Don’t be shy, sign up on our email list. I send out a weekly update and information from our various guests and marketing tactics. Until next week, make sure you tune back in, so thanks so much for listening today.

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"Innovation isn't just thinking outside the box; it's about setting the box on fire and building something extraordinary from the ashes."

Doug Morneau