
Step into the fast-paced world of ‘Real Marketing Real Fast’ with me, Doug Morneau. Each episode is a power-packed journey through the twists and turns of digital marketing and website acquisition. Expect unfiltered insights, expert interviews, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. This isn’t just another marketing podcast; it’s your front-row seat to the strategies shaping the digital landscape.


Tips from Greg…

  • How to use long tail keywords
  • There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
  • Take advantage of other high ranking and highly trafficked websites
  • Using an SEO approach doesn’t require a lot of investment to get started

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today, I’ve got joining me in studio, Greg Jeffries. He says he’s a regular guy that’s never had a job that meets over $20,000 a year, but he broke through and achieved six-figure income purely from affiliate commissions using SEO. So if you are interested in affiliate commissions or interested in an extra $100,000 a year, I would suggest that you get your pen and paper, sit down and take some notes, and listen to what Greg has to share with us. He’s an expert in search engine optimization, and I’d like to welcome Greg to the show today.

Greg Jeffries: Thanks for having me, man.

Doug Morneau: So that’s a pretty big goal. There’s lots of guys who do affiliate marketing. So, is there a secret sauce or something you want to share with us? Or maybe a little bit of background on how you went from working in a regular job and broke through six figures from affiliate revenue?

Greg Jeffries: Yeah. So the big epiphany for me was focusing on long-tail keywords. So long-tail keywords is just a fancy word for describing longer search phrases. So, not your typical shorter phrases like “red shoes” or like “make money online.” Make money online, three words, it’s kind of a longer tail, but it’s very competitive. It’s kind of a generic longer tail keyword. But, I’m talking about the keywords that are longer and much more specific to certain products and services and stuff. So, that was my big epiphany, and then just taking action on creating relevant content around those long-tail keywords, whether it’d be for videos or blog posts and just doing that for a variety of different niches.

So that was the big breakthrough for me and kind of what got me from where I was, which I was making a couple thousand dollars a month consistently, but from there to like multiple five figures a month consistently, because I … I don’t know if you can relate to this or any of your listeners, but I never had that a great job that paid me enough to live on plus gave me a marketing budget. That would be the ideal situation, but that just wasn’t my situation. I just barely had enough to live on and then, luckily, I had good credit, so I was able to get credit cards. So that was my marketing budget, was the credit cards.

Doug Morneau: Good for you.

Greg Jeffries: But yeah, it’s not what I would recommend, but that was what I had for leverage. That was what I could use. But I’m always searching for something to get from like zero to like these big breakthrough numbers, like these six figures or seven figures. You’ve probably seen these sales videos or sales pages over the last 20 years or so that talked about the rags-to-riches stories, and some of that I feel is fabricated, but I know that I’ve spoken to some other marketers that have had those success stories and going from like nothing to amazing success stories and results. I wanted to figure out how do I do that because that is my situation. I really didn’t know what information to consume or where to put my credit card money or whatever to explode it.

So, what were that inexpensive but actionable steps that I could take to slowly build a passive income snowball that would pay me forever and ever? So yeah, that’s what I found with SEO. Some people asked me, “Why do you focus on SEO instead of paid traffic?” It was because I was broke. I didn’t have that much money. So, SEO is traditionally thought of being as kind of hard, slow, mysterious and stuff, but it’s pretty free or very inexpensive. So, it’s a very newbie friendly method for making money online.

Doug Morneau: Is there something that people can learn? I don’t know lots about SEO. I mean, my experience is primarily media buying, so on the other side, but understand that SEO is important. And often, I think people confuse, “Well, hey I can do it myself or it’s cheap, so it must be good.” But I’m assuming there’s a skill set you need to learn. So, how did you go from, “Hey, I’d really like to create this residual income I don’t need to go to get every day this shows up,” and I think the way to do that is through SEO and then moving that into, “Hey, guess what? Money is showing up every day and I’m not going out the door.”

Greg Jeffries: Yeah. So, again, it kind of comes back for long-tail keywords for me, and the reason for that is because they’re lower competition too. So it allows someone that’s brand new to get some traction. Now, the one hurdle that has probably stopped people or slowed people down over the last couple years, from going after longer tail keywords was that there weren’t a lot of tools that I knew of at least that could help you discover these long-tail keywords, because people are typing in really long phrases all day in Google and other search engines, but it was a matter of like, “How do you find these?” Because, sure, Google will show you some related keywords at the bottom of the search results.

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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And when you start typing, it’ll finish your sentence with some suggestions, but where do you find thousands of those? Because we don’t want to just make them up and hope that we’re picking the right ones. We want them to be long-tail ones that they’re actually typing in. And so, now, there’s a lot of … There are some paid software out there that kind of give you some suggestions. But there’s actually several free ones now. So, that saves a ton of time and just helps you significantly. I mean, other than some very inexpensive tools like a domain and hosting … If you’re going to do websites or a microphone, a laptop, internet connection and some screen recording software.

If you’re going to go to videos and YouTube route, all these other tools are pretty much free. It’s free to apply for affiliate programs. It’s free to use these long-tail keyword tools. There’s one called keywordtool.io if People are looking for suggestions and stuff, so that’s one that’s free, and they can just get started. An easy way to get started is to just start with the product name. So one product that I’ve had a lot of success promoting is ClickFunnels. So if you just start with a root keyword, ClickFunnels is just going to spit out several hundred long-tail keywords related to that product.

If you just create a unique piece of content for each one of those keywords, then, eventually, you’re going to start to get some traction, because the other thing about long-tail keywords since there’s less competitive, so you’re going to get some traction from them. But I think other companies and other SEOs that do well with SEO, I feel like they don’t target long-tail keywords for whatever reason. But I guess because they think that it’s not worth the time. It’s not worth the effort, but the other cool thing about long-tail keywords is there’s more buyer intent behind them. So, while they might be getting less traffic per keyword or that search phrase is extremely targeted.

So like on the short tail, we’ve got like red shoes or something. I don’t know what that person’s searching for. Why are they typing in red shoes? They could be doing research. I don’t know if they’re actually interested in buying them. I don’t know. But if you’re typing in like “red Nike running shoes for men,” that person is probably a male or looking to buy red Nike running shoes for a male. And so, while that search query might only get like 30 searches a month, that’s a very good keyword to target if you’re selling shoes or red Nike running shoes if that makes sense.

Doug Morneau: Yeah, that’s a really good point. I mean, I first learned about long-tail when they were talking about music and Napster a whole bunch of years ago. That seems to have died down, so I’m not sure why people don’t do that. Did you self-teach then, or were you self-taught? Did you just go through this process and just kind of learn by doing?

Greg Jeffries: A little bit. I’ve taken a lot of courses, but I think a lot of the big epiphanies and connections that I made, unfortunately, they aren’t taught in any other course that I know of. But it was sort of I made the connections by consuming multiple courses, and then since I had consumed all that content, I sort of made the connection between course A and course C and course B and course D and developed my own little proprietary formula based on all that information. So, while it’s really important to take action, probably … This is kind of an overused statement from other entrepreneurs. It’s like, the most important thing is to take action, but you need to be headed in a direction.

You can’t just be taking action just for the sake of taking action. It has to be somewhat directed or targeted. So, you do need to have some information or knowledge of SEO on how it works, but I’m not like super-duper technical. Like again, I’ve been through a lot of information, but basically, I pride myself in distilling everything down to really simple descriptions and stuff, because it has to be really simple for me to be able to do it and also to explain it to another side.

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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Doug Morneau: So what are your three s’s that I see?

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, so, simple, scalable and sustainable. With SEO, my process is extremely simple. It’s very inexpensive, and it mostly comes down to those long-tail keywords as a big factor. So that’s the simple part. Scalable is that you know, the long-tail keywords, there are so many of them. I’ll just give some examples. I mean, if you just type in the root keyword to some of these long-tail keyword tools, it’s going to give you hundreds or thousands of long-tail keywords that … and again, these are keywords that people are actually typing in. It’s like those tools usually scrape the data from places like Google, so it’s not just made-up stuff.

And so, some examples are like holidays. You’ve got seasons. You got sports teams. You’ve got new movies coming out. You’ve got new music artists coming out. You’ve got new TV shows. Every single one of those has long-tail keywords related to them. So, you know, popular movies and the cool thing about that is that a movie is a kind of like a product launch. So they tell you months in advance that that movie is coming out. So about closer towards the time of the release date, those searches are going to … There’s going to be tons and tons of more searches for that. For, like right now, Black Panther is a Marvel movie, and then some of these other movies that are in the theaters right now.

There’s a lot of people that are going to be searching for that because they’re going to go see the movies at the theater and stuff. So, those are like trends that you can take advantage of, but then, those are just like the … So the movie stuff is like the trendy stuff. There’s seasonal stuff that is going to be a spike once a year, but it comes around every year. Christmas, Easter, New Year’s, and the US’ Fourth of July and stuff, those come around every year. And luckily, there’s one holiday at least or one big one every single month, and then you’ve got all the evergreen keywords as well. So things like web hosting, domains, popular evergreen tools like autoresponders and stuff, things that marketers have been using online for like decades.

So there’s a lot of different angles and there’s just basically an infinite amount of keywords. I only speak one language. There’s tons of other languages, so you can’t forget about those too. Like, Chinese, German, Spanish, French, and there’s free translation tools out there. So you don’t have to speak this other language to be able to rank a page for content in that for those keywords in that language.

Doug Morneau: That’s really cool.

Greg Jeffries: And let’s say sustainable, and then the last S is … yeah. There are kind of more spammy, black-hat ways to get content ranked, but obviously, it’s like, if something’s quick, usually you’re taking advantage of a loophole and it’s probably, hopefully, it’ll make you a lot of money quick. But usually, if it happens, if you get results quickly, those results are a lot of times going to fade, fizzle out

Doug Morneau: Disappear, yeah.

Greg Jeffries: … pretty quick too. So, it’s pretty simple. It’s just kind of logical and common sense, but basically, with the content, just create good content. Create good content that’s valuable and solves the problem. So, if you’re creating a video around a specific long-tail keyword, provide a solution or speak to that … give a solution for that particular long-tail keyword. So, if they’re looking to do something specific like maybe fix a particular part of their car or something, you don’t want it to be like a generic video where they’re not going to get any value and they just wasted five minutes. Or something that’s completely unrelated, like maybe your ranking, it’s easy for your rank for that keyword.

But then, you know, they’re coming to your video, your site about how to fix their car, and it’s a dog article about dogs or something. Just kind of use common sense.

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Doug Morneau: Well that’s the trust part, right? I mean, I always think that people are … They’re online, and they’re looking, and if you break their trust right upfront by lying to them, and I don’t necessarily mean directly lying to them, but by using a clickbait or something to get the click, you’ve already lost me because when I get there, I don’t trust you, because you tricked me to get to your page.

Greg Jeffries: Right, and that’s kind of tempting to do when you’re first starting out, because if you’re broke, you’re just like, “Oh yeah, I just want to get all these clickbait headlines and stuff.” And yeah, that’ll get them to the page, but then if they lose trust, what’s the point? So non-clickbaity headlines may not get as high of click-through rates, but if you’re providing the value that they came to get, then they’re probably going to be more likely to buy your product and at least have respect for you if they know who you are, if you mention your name or you show your face or whatever.

I’ve had several people reach out to me through Facebook and email and stuff because they came across my videos. Maybe they bought from me, maybe they didn’t, but they’re like, “Man, I really appreciate you making this specific video.” It really helped me. I’m sure for every one person that actually reaches out to me, there’s like 100 or 200 people that it actually helps.

Doug Morneau: So, can we just shift gears for a sec? I understand the value of SEO and it sounds like you’ve got some great tips and some training for people to do that. So, that’s part of the equation. So making sure that your offer is relevant, so you’re solving a problem. Somebody searches, they see your search engine result. They go to your page. Your page speaks to the problem that they typed in. So, you’ve got trust. And then through that content, there’s an offer. So, do you have a list of criteria that you use when you pick specific products to market as an affiliate? For example, you mentioned ClickFunnels.

I use ClickFunnels. I love ClickFunnels. It’s just not any affiliate offers necessarily the best one for you. How do you evaluate that?

Greg Jeffries: I try to pick … Since it’s SEO and it generally does take a little bit of effort and a little bit of time to get the results, like it’s totally worth it once you’re ranking and getting some traffic. But since it is a little bit slower than paid traffic, I try to focus on promoting products that are higher ticket or evergreen or recurring, pay recurring commissions or all of the above. So the reason, not just to keep plugging ClickFunnels, but the reason why ClickFunnels is a great tool to promote is they have they … I think it’s safe to say they’re pretty much an evergreen type of tool. Something that a lot of people can use and benefit from.

It has a recurring element if they pay for the tool. They also have an ecosystem of other products that they will upsell to that customer for me. So, that works in my favor. And yeah, so that’s one example. So it’s, basically, high-ticket offers, and again, it doesn’t matter that you’re … If you’re selling a product that you get a $300 for, yeah, you only have to sell a couple of those a month. It doesn’t have to be big numbers and you’re probably not going to get big numbers from the longer tail keywords anyway, but you got a high ticket, evergreen, the products in recurring.

Evergreen would be hosting solutions tools like ClickFunnels, autoresponders, and then the benefit of things like autoresponders and ClickFunnels and maybe sell ads of vendors and stuff as they pay residuals, and like, recurring and stuff. So yeah, those are the things I try to promote the most, because you got to remember, like, I’ve only been working full time for myself for about a year and a half or so, and this was all kind of new to me because I’ve always had a job. I don’t know how long you’ve been working on online stuff, but I think what some people don’t take into consideration when they work from themselves is … The one cool thing about having a job is that you get a steady paycheck.

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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And so, when you work for yourself, you have to you have to create that. You have to replace that somehow. And so, the cool thing about evergreen products is that there are search terms that people are always going to be searching for. And then with their recurring stuff, and if it’s recurring if it pays for current commissions and it’s evergreen, it’s kind of like being a salesperson, like insurance or something. You’re building up a client base and you’re getting commission’s every single month, and you’re basically engineering or creating your own paycheck based on how many clients or customers you can attract to that platform or product.

Doug Morneau: But then you don’t have to deliver the service either, which is the benefit of the affiliate is somebody pays for it, somebody else delivers it, and you just get paid.

Greg Jeffries: Absolutely.

Doug Morneau: The other thing that I’ve heard, in that, we’re working on here is, looking for affiliate offers that are in alignment with either your beliefs and/or your hobbies. So I like trail running. I like going to the gym. I like working out. So things that make sense for me would be weights, gear, whether it’s Under Armour or Nike or whatever the gear is. I like my Fitbit. I like my amino acid. So I got all these things that I use every day, so it makes the conversation very easy. So listeners, if you’re thinking, “Hey, I don’t know how to write about … I don’t know what ClickFunnels is. I don’t know how to write about it.”

Well, that’s fine. Find what you’re passionate about. Maybe you’re into sports. Maybe you’re into music. Maybe you’re into dance. Find something that you have some knowledge on and that I think is a great place to start. Do you have anything you’d like to add to that or … I’d appreciate your feedback.

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, that’s some great advice. I recommend the same thing. So, I am just now getting outside of like the internet marketing tools and make money online kind of products and services. I was in there for the last couple years promoting that, because that’s what I was interested in and that’s what I liked. Now, even though there are people that make like millions of dollars in that niche and promoting those tools, you have to remember, it’s extremely small compared to things like diet and weight loss and stuff and some of these other niches out there. There’s people spending way more money on other things.

I think we get kind of trapped, like I was, at least for the last couple years, thinking that … I don’t know … that everybody wants to make money online, which is just not true. And yeah, you just find the things that you’re passionate about and that’s going to definitely come across if you’re writing articles, or especially if you’re making videos, and that’s going to come across in the content and the videos, and people are going to pick up on that. I think it’s going to be much easier to make the sales, because a lot of times, you know, you’ve heard this before, people, they buy a product lot of times just because of the person … like I’ve had a lot of people buy ClickFunnels through me, not because they like ClickFunnels, but because they like me.

And that was one thing that was challenging for me in the beginning because I wasn’t good at speaking or being on camera. I had a lot of ahs and ums. I had to cut out all of them. It took me a while to edit everything. But, you know, the more you do, you get better and better and better, but that’s the cool thing about SEO. It’s like, if you suck at videos and you’re like determined, you’re never going to get better at that. You can write articles.

Doug Morneau: Sure.

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Greg Jeffries: A lot of internet marketers are very introverted, so a lot of times, they are good copywriters. They’re just not good in front of camera and audio. If you want to take it a step further, once you have success or if you already have a marketing budget, all this stuff can be outsourced. You can get people to make the videos, or you can get people to write the articles. All this stuff can be outsourced and automated.

Doug Morneau: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we use writers for our clients. We do ghostwrite for clients as well because you’re right, not all of them can write. They’re very good at their business and running their business, but the CEO may not be great at writing a 1,000-word or a 1,500-word blog post for their company.

Greg Jeffries: Right, yeah. I don’t consider myself a writer, but I’m pretty dang good at writing about the stuff like you mentioned that I’m passionate about. I don’t focus on the word count, but sometimes I have counted the articles, and I mean, in an hour, I can crank out like a 2,000, 3,000-word article, and I’m like, “Wow. I just wrote that.” But it came easy because I know the subject.

Doug Morneau: Yep. Well if you’re not good at writing, here’s my tip. I’m not a great writer. It doesn’t come easily to me. I can write, but I can do a podcast. And so, the great news is, with services like rev.com, when I’m finished up with the conversation with Greg, my producer will take this and he’ll send it to Rev, and Rev will send it back to us as a word document, and magically, this 5,000 or 6,000-word blog post will appear, and I didn’t have to write a single word.

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, that’s great. I’ve used them a couple times. They’re fast and amazing and affordable.

Doug Morneau: We should’ve probably strategized before we got on the call and said, “What long-tail keyword do we want to be ranking for in this podcast and make sure we mention it the appropriate number of times in the podcast?”

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, I mean, that’d be a good thing to focus on for some of these people that also have podcast and stuff, because yeah, you’re not the only person that transcribers their audio and stuff. So that’s a humongous blog post. That’s content and that’s what Google reads.

Doug Morneau: So why do you think there’s such a massive opportunity in SEO? And, the reason I want to bring that up is, because you don’t have to look very far online, and everybody’s got a tactic they’re pushing. So, I’m the email guy, so I like email. I think that SMS disappeared. It showed up and nobody paid attention to it. It is gone, so now, we’re on to Snapchat, and Twitter’s dying’s, and so people tell me, and Facebook’s having problems. So, why SEO?

Greg Jeffries: SEO has been around since the dawn of the internet, kind of like pretty much email marketing, so it stood the test of time. And unless something crazy happens with the way that people find information online in the next decade, which it could absolutely change, but I don’t see it changing anytime in the near future. So, all these paid traffic sources. Other than like the Facebook’s and some of these mobile apps like Instagram and stuff, the main way that people find content online is by searching for it. And so, all these paid-traffic gurus out there that do very well with buying PPC and all this stuff, it all sits on top of search.

How do they get to the website? They have to search for it to get to it. So, I don’t know if this is accurate or not, but I feel like search traffic is much bigger than PPC, because a lot of the banner ads and the PPC and stuff, it sits on top of the search traffic. So, yeah, it’s-

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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Doug Morneau: I’ll share a tip with you, something that we started doing and then our competition quickly figured out. We would identify companies that were in my client’s space that were spending massive budgets online, and then we would optimize content and run PPC against the terms that they had on their page. So in effect, they were spending the big budget to create the interest. So, maybe they’re doing a full-page ad on one of the local newspapers or maybe a national newspaper, and you know that people are going to go online and search, and they may not type in the name of the company into Google, with the dot-com.

They might search for that or search for the term or search for the offer, and we’ve found ways that we can capture a ton of that traffic leveraging somebody else’s budget.

Greg Jeffries: Absolutely. Yeah, you got to get creative like that as a marketer. It’s like, think outside the box. It’s like some, like, more amateur people that will target the long-tail keywords related to that brand to promote that brand, but you got to remember, if they’re typing in like a ClickFunnels term, well, they know about ClickFunnels, and they’re probably already a customer. So I would target all of ClickFunnels’ competitors because those are the people that … Maybe they’re thinking about getting a tool like LeadPages, and then that’s your opportunity to be like, “Hey, you’re considering LeadPage. You might want to consider ClickFunnels instead.”

So, go where there’s already an audience and already traffic. That’s a very simple way to build up a new brand rather than trying to go after the more generic terms like sales funnel builder, drag-and-drop editor. Like yeah, that’s another feature that ClickFunnels does, but dang. There’s probably every other drag-and-drop sales funnel tool builders bidding on that keyword.

Doug Morneau: Yeah, sure. That makes sense. So don’t try to optimize for CRM, because it’s not going to happen.

Greg Jeffries: Oh yeah, like, Salesforce or somebody’s probably paying $100 a click or something.

Doug Morneau: So a different search engine, so I’ve heard people described Amazon as a search engine, where people have a credit card in hand.

Greg Jeffries: Heck yeah.

Doug Morneau: So, is there some insight you’d like to share with us about Amazon? I mean, obviously, Google is the [inaudible 00:28:45]. Everyone talks about Google, and we realize that if you don’t know, listeners, that you’re probably fully aware that YouTube also is a huge search engine. So, let’s talk about Amazon. What can you tell us about opportunities there?

Greg Jeffries: I haven’t spent a lot of time focusing on how to rank content within Amazon search. But by ranking, like say, if you’re selling a Kindle book, which that’s free to do, or if you’re doing maybe FBA or something and you got your econ product on Amazon, and you’re ranking, you point some links. You can either buy or build your own backlinks to boost that listing in the search engines. You’re naturally going to get more visitors to that page. So, they’re going to find you in search, and then they can land on … They’ll discover your Amazon page that way. So that’s what I know how to do, but it’s the same principle.

But I don’t have any specific tactics on how to rank organically in Amazon’s search results. The reason why it’s actually easier to rank with an Amazon site or some of these other authority sites like you’ve probably heard of platforms like Udemy and Skillshare and stuff is that those sites have tons of traffic already. And so, they have authority, and it’s really easy to … If you have a product or a course or something for sale on that platform, not only are you tapping into the existing traffic that’s on that platform already. So you’re probably just going to make some sales just by being there. But, if you point some links to that page or that URL, and boost it, and Google, and some of the other search engines, then you’re naturally just going to make more sales.

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So the two things that have made me the most money over the years were selling courses on platforms like Udemy and then SEO. But Udemy and SEO go hand in hand, so you can use these same as long-tail keyword strategies to … Basically, use a long-tail or a version of like a long-tail keyword for the title of the course, and it’ll almost rank on its own without any assistance for links or anything. So if you do that for a number of different courses, you’re just going to make more money. It’s that simple.

Doug Morneau: Oh darn. Not more money.

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, I was just going to say … and just because of the authority of Udemy, there’s so many links to other sites linking to specific pages on Udemy, and just the root URL, udemy.com, and stuff. So that’s a really simple way to leverage SEO without even having to have your own YouTube channel or website. You can piggyback off the authority of eBay and Amazon and Udemy and stuff, and it works incredibly well, and it has for years. I don’t think that’s going to change. So, that’s why sometimes if you’ve noticed, like, if you search for a certain product and there’s not really any websites that pop up other than Amazon, there’s like five listings for Amazon’s.

It’s because Google couldn’t find any other related site for that particular keyword. And since Amazon’s such an authority, it’s sort of like serving these results up like, “What about these?” Because it’s the best thing it could find, and those links are appearing not because that page is optimized, but because of the authority of just the root domain of Amazon or udemy.com.

Doug Morneau: That totally makes sense, and you’ve brought up a really good point. So, there you go, listeners. There’s some low-hanging fruit. If you’ve got a course or something that is complete and you’re selling it on your website, probably your next step would be to go list it on Udemy and Skillshare, even if you rename it to take advantage of SEO. I’m seeing even just for my own name search, I set up an account with Medium. I see more people posting. I thought, “I’m just going to set it up and see what happens.” So I posted nothing on it. I’ve just simply set up the account, and it’s in the top 20.

Greg Jeffries: Yep, it’s crazy. Medium ranks incredibly well. You’ve probably heard of Launch Jacking. It’s kind of the same thing. It’s like piggybacking off of a movie release or something, but it’s a product launch. If there isn’t that much competition or even if there is, I’ve seen product launch reviews on page one, all over page one and two for medium.com articles. It’s just like … yeah, they probably just read the article, published it, and it’s like on page one because Medium has way more authority than probably your dinky blog if you don’t have … If it’s not like an authority or authority site.

Doug Morneau: Well the great news is, you’ve got the content from your blogs, so you’re just repurposing it, because I know that … I know looking through your background, you talk about how to stretch your content. So, there’s a way to stretch your content. Repurpose it, add some new keywords, and make the content relevant, and get on some authority platforms.

Greg Jeffries: Absolutely. I’m glad you brought that up because that’s one of the … When I was doing courses more back then, that was one of my strategies. I just call it content stretching, and you’re basically taking the same content and you’re moving it to multiple platforms. So, I borrowed this from … I used to work for Ron Dyson, digital marketer, and I noticed a lot of people were doing this back then with information products. They’d sell you a video, a information, product or whatever, but as a bonus or a bundled product, you’d get the PDF, transcription, and you’d also get the audio version.

I was like, “What? Why?” This doesn’t seem like more value, but I guess it appears as more valuable. It’s like the same content three times, but it appears to be more valuable than just like the video course. So, I borrowed that and applied it to platforms like Udemy and Kindle. So, you have to start with like the core content. I usually like to start with a video, because it makes it easier to transcribe it and then take out the audio, so I usually start with video. But with video, you can upload to like Udemy and Skillshare and some other platforms. Maybe upload a couple of the lessons for free to YouTube to kind of lure them in to take the course. So, that’s another platform.

And then you can transcribe it, make it into an ebook, upload it to Kindle. And what I found is, I don’t market my courses and products on these platforms. I’ve made sales every time for every single product I’ve ever uploaded literally by just being on the platform. I never point any links. I never promote it and have always made sales.

Doug Morneau: That’s pretty cool.

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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Greg Jeffries: Yeah, I don’t see how you can fail with this. They just have so much traffic like … I don’t see how you cannot make money by doing that.

Doug Morneau: Well, so, there you go. That’s some great information. So I want to ask you a couple more questions. I’ll let you get back to your day. I see you’re in the part of the world I was just in. I was just down in San Antonio a week ago speaking to a business group down there, a media group I buy from, and it looks like it’s just a few hours away. You’re in Austin, is that correct?

Greg Jeffries: Austin, Texas, yep.

Doug Morneau: There you go. We went down South Alamo, which was good, had some good food, drank some good tequila, but back to business. Who’s one guest that you think I absolutely should have on my show?

Greg Jeffries: I’ve got a friend down in San Antonio. His name is Jeremy McGilvery. He’s an Instagram expert. So, I would definitely recommend him, because he’s basically kind of built his … or he has built his entire business off of Instagram traffic, but not from his account. He’s just leveraging other influencers. I can’t say. He does have an account that he’s built up now, but he’s built up his entire business and makes all of his money from Instagram traffic. So, he doesn’t advertise anywhere else, I don’t think, and he’s built up a whole little ecosystem of products, similar to ClickFunnels. He’s got a book. He’s got a course that teaches what he does.

He’s got a software that automates, likes, and follows and things like that. So, really awesome guy, a really cool story.

Doug Morneau: Well, excellent. I’ll make sure that I reach out to him. I’ll probably touch back with you to make sure I get his contact information. And so, I just want to say, hey, thanks so much for sharing with us today.

Greg Jeffries: Yeah. Thanks for having me, man.

Doug Morneau: I think there’s some really good information here, listeners. I mean, there’s lots of value that was left. There’s probably some action items, you can listen to the podcast and just take to the bank right away. So, if you liked this episode, don’t be shy. Share on the bottom of the blog post when this episode’s posted some of the actions you took. If you’ve got some questions, post your questions there, and I’ll be sure that if Greg is not seeing those, we’ll get him to. So, where can we find you online, Greg?

Greg Jeffries: Yeah, if they want to learn more about … or get in touch with me, they can visit my site, imsource.org. So that’s just I-M-S-O-U-R-C-E.org. If they click the contact button, then you can reach out to me that way. If you want to learn more about SEO and what I’m doing there, you can check out my course, SEO Affiliate Domination. So that’s just seoaffiliatedomination . com.

Doug Morneau: Excellent. Well, thanks again. So, thanks listeners for tuning in another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Make sure you are subscribed to our email list. There’s lots of really neat, new stuff coming up over the next few weeks and the next few months. So, I hope you have a great week, and take some of this to the bank, and I look forward to you guys continuing your success online.

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There is more buyer intent using long tail keywords
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Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast – host Doug Morneau – Episode #47


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"Innovation isn't just thinking outside the box; it's about setting the box on fire and building something extraordinary from the ashes."

Doug Morneau