
Step into the fast-paced world of ‘Real Marketing Real Fast’ with me, Doug Morneau. Each episode is a power-packed journey through the twists and turns of digital marketing and website acquisition. Expect unfiltered insights, expert interviews, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. This isn’t just another marketing podcast; it’s your front-row seat to the strategies shaping the digital landscape.


Steve’s tips

  • If someone downloads your podcast and listens to it, that’s like having 100% open rate when compared to email.
  • In business, you can reinvent yourself. You have to be agile and strike while the iron is hot.
  • The pool is large enough that no matter what medium you choose to convey your message on, you’re going to find people who will want to consume your content.
  • When it comes to marketing it’s time to find your niche because search is the driver of success.
  • “Clarity attracts, and clarity sells.”
  • To start a podcast first be a listener, then a guest and then maybe a host.

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Doug Morneau: Well welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio I’ve got a guest joining me and his name is Steve Olsher. He is known as the world’s foremost reinvention expert. He’s famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on what? The one thing that they were created to do. His practical no holds barred approach to life and business propels his clients towards achieving massive profitability while also cultivating purpose, conviction, and contribution.

A 25-year entrepreneur, Steve is the chairman and founder of Liquor . com, an online pioneer who has launched on CompuServe’s Electronic Mail in 1993. New York Best Times seller of “What Is Your What? Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do.” Author of the Business Technology Book of the Year, “Internet Prophets: And The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Profit Online.” Host of the number one radio show podcast Reinvention Radio. International keynote speaker, and in-demand media guest who has also appeared on CNN and The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur on Fire and countless other media outlets. So welcome to the Real Marketing Show today.

Steve Olsher: Hey man, thanks for having me.

Doug Morneau: So is there anything I missed or any blanks that you want to fill in? Did we cover the highlights?

Steve Olsher: Right outside of being married for over 20 years and having a couple of kids there, no, I think you covered it.

Doug Morneau: That’s a very good call. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about the consulting service that you do? I mean you’ve got a very intriguing outline, when I was looking at your website, as the Reinvention blog. So what does that mean?

Steve Olsher: So I’ve done a lot over the years. From literally being an entrepreneur from the time I was in my late teens and opening up my own nightclub when I was 19, to catalogues and dot-coms and real estate, coaching and authoring and speaking and these sort of things. Man, I really feel like I’ve done it all and so it’s been a continuous state of reinvention, which is I think why that moniker of America’s Reinvention Expert certainly fits me well because that’s largely how I feel. Like I’m just consistently reinventing who I am and certainly what I do from a business perspective.

Doug Morneau: Well I guess the new term I hear often at events, we’re over with Chris Tucker’s group over in the UK, and I guess the new word to me was “pivot.” Should we make a pivot in our business, I guess which is a reinvention or a change or whatever it may be?

Steve Olsher: Yeah, I mean a pivot is a word they use a lot in the tech space. And so having been online since ’93 and owned liquor.com since ’98, it’s been an interesting go over the years. And pivot is definitely the MO there, because I think you just have to be agile, right? I mean as far as business is concerned. And for me and what I’ve been doing, I mean it’s definitely been a reflection of pivoting. Sometimes more often than I’d even like to admit. But the reality is, you gotta strike while the iron is hot, right? And when you see a good opportunity there, you gotta do what you gotta do to take full advantage of it. And for me, of late, that’s been doing things here in podcasting land. Which is really what led to the creation of the New Media Summit, which you’ll be a part of. But that was a pure pivot by all definitions.

Doug Morneau: Well it’s really cool because I think often people discount the fact that appearing on a podcast is good for business, it’s earned media, and it might be a start to other media opportunities, whether it’s print or radio or TV. But with the industry continuing to grow and new vehicles being made now without DVD players, it’s interesting times.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. Not everyone is going to be an audio fan. There are people who still prefer the written word, and there are people who still prefer video, and then there are people who want to actually hold a book in their hand as opposed to reading a blog online and those sort of things where you’re never going to be all things to all people. But the good news is obviously the pool is large enough that no matter what medium you choose, you’re going to find people who will want to consume your content, when they want to consume it, and of course on their preferred device. So as technology evolves, it doesn’t mean necessarily that you have to chase after the newest, shiniest object but simply pursue that which feels most comfortable for you. And those folks who are meant to find you, most of the time will.

Doug Morneau: So with all the changes online, and we can talk about Facebook, with all the new changes we could talk about everybody changing their LinkedIn profile-

Steve Olsher: We could but I wouldn’t be very helpful in all that. I don’t … I do so little online with as much as I do online, it’s not even funny. This algorithm stuff, I’m the wrong guy on that, right. LinkedIn, no clue. Evidently, I have a very unoptimized profile. I’ve been told that I think three times this week.

Doug Morneau: That’s funny.

Steve Olsher: There’s only so much I can talk about with you, Doug, and those two things are definitely not it.

Doug Morneau: No, I got it. I was just going to say with the changes in the marketplace, I mean that’s the topic right now on all the social media. Everyone’s talking about Facebook, everybody now on LinkedIn is changing their bio to be blockchain and bitcoin experts. Don’t want to go there.

So let’s talk about online marketing. I mean you’ve got a couple books that you published. And so share with us, what’s your superpower and what do you see the opportunities coming for business in the future?

Steve Olsher: Yeah, and that actually is I think the superpower that I have if you will. If we’re using that term, which I like that term. And if we’re using that then I think that is one of the superpowers that I have. Which is being able to really see far in advance where things are coming. I mean you mentioned where things are going, where they’re coming, whatever how you want to term that. But you mentioned blockchain and crypto and so on, I’m not going to beat the horse on that.

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But just know that I had one of the saddest moments of my entire life, about a year ago. Wasn’t even maybe a year ago, it was when bitcoin was around 4000 bucks, I don’t remember how long ago that was, but maybe 6 months ago. It doesn’t matter. Whatever it was, it was lower than it is now for sure. And I had a lot of friends starting to talk about a lot of friends who were buying it at a grand, two grand, this that and the other. I was like, fine, four grand, I got into. And I went to one of the main trading accounts, which is Coinbase. And went there and tried to open up an account and it was like, yeah, sorry, we can’t open an account because an account already exists by that name. I was like, hmm, well that’s just odd. So I started thinking back around some of the times that I may have used some of these older passwords. And anyway I dug up a password that I used to use around 2012, 2013, and I tried that with my email address which I’ve had now for years. [inaudible 00:08:26] I was like, oh, cool, I already have a Coinbase account. So 2012, 2013 when you at it, well, sure enough, I opened up an account in 2013. I was like, oh man, how awesome is that, right? Because Bitcoin was trading at a hundred bucks or whatever it might have been. I was like, maybe you of yesterday, Steve, did something cool that you of today can give back and look back on and give thanks to. Thinking maybe I threw a grand at it, or whatever it might have been, because at that point that would’ve been, if I threw a grand at it it would’ve been 10 coins, right? So I’d be sitting there with a cool 140K or whatever in my account.

But no, this guy, (Steve) opened an account and didn’t buy anything. So yes, I had an account, but no, I didn’t buy anything. So obviously even back in 2012, 2013, I had seen the writing on the wall but just didn’t take action. And I think that’s kind of my superpower, among other things is just really being able to see where things are headed. I mean we launched on CompuServe’s Electronic Mall in ’93. We picked up that liquor.com domain in ’98. I mean I’ve been doing this stuff for a long time, and really my superpower is also my kryptonite.  Because I think to some extent, I’m often too early to things. And I give up on it before it really kind of gets to that hockey stick growth where the real money is. And so I either just kind of throw in the towel and say forget it, nothing’s going to happen here, or I sell to early. And that’s happened actually on a few occasions. So interestingly enough man, I think that’s one of the superpowers is just being able to see the writing on the wall there.

Doug Morneau: So then I guess that begs the question, what is the writing on the wall telling you today?

Steve Olsher: It’s interesting, I do believe that the writing on the wall today, and certainly where I’m looking to continue to move forward, is in the world of really niching it down, right, and being a lot more specific. And I’ll give you an example. Are you familiar with Jeff Walker and the product launch stuff?

Doug Morneau: Yes, I am.

Steve Olsher: Okay. So Jeff started talking about product launches a number of years ago already. And there’s been some folks out there who have had some really good product launches. And I partnered with a gentleman by the name of Alex Mandossian who’s been online for a long time. Back in 2015, we started working together on doing a launch of a program that we called Push Button Influence. And we ended up with a lot of partners on board, ended up with over 80,000 opt-ins for that launch, which is a lot. Very few launches do those sort of numbers. And we ended up selling very few units. And it was incredibly disappointing, right, because here we are with this huge launch list and almost nobody bought. And I think it was largely because the whole concept of Push Button Influence was too grandiose. It was hard for people to really get their arms around what it is that we were doing there. I mean the training was good, but it was too broad.

Now fast forward and Alex and I have parted ways, but fast forward now and I’ve been doing very well with the program that is called Profiting From Podcasts, right. So very simple, very clear, and very niche. And that to me, I believe, is really where the future lies. Because search is really the driver of success. I mean no matter how you slice it, it’s been that way for as long as the internet has been a prevalent part of our lives.

But reality is that if you start a podcast, or if you start a blog, or if you start a video channel, and you go broad with what it is that you name it and what it is that you focus on, you’re going to have a tough time breaking into what is a very, very crowded market. And getting past people who already have significant followings, and who already have significant reach.

And so as an example, I was working with a woman who wanted to get into the podcasting arena. And we went very, very niche with her. So niche in fact that the show ended up being called Life with Herpes. And the reality is we can say what we want to say about it, but one out of every five or one out of every six people has it, but nobody’s talking about it. But if you are searching for information on that particular subject, and you listen to a show called Life with Herpes, then the odds are pretty good that either A, you have it, B, you know someone who does or C, you’re in that industry, right?

Doug Morneau: Right, absolutely.

Steve Olsher: So that’s like a 100% open rate if we’re looking at an email analogy here, because downloading a podcast is pretty similar to having like a 100% open rate on an email blast. And a 100% click-through rate on an email blast. I mean the people who are listening to shows or watching a video or reading a blog, I mean they are 100% in. They are opting in, they’re raising their hand, they’re saying I have a defined definite interest in this particular subject. And so are those folks going to be likely candidates to invest in products, programs, and services to relate to that topic? Well, you bet. You bet.

And so that’s where I really believe that the future lies here. Which is why the events that I do now are not broad in nature, but very specific to catering to those who want to get booked on podcasts, and that’s the New Media Summit in a nutshell. As we bring in 40 of the world’s leading podcasters like yourself, right, who people have the opportunity to meet and pitch on who they are and what they do, and literally get booked on the spot. So not everybody’s going to be a candidate for wanting to get booked on shows. But those who show up absolutely want to get booked on shows, right? So I think that’s really how the future is shaping up here, where you’ve got to be very, very specific about what it is that you do.

Doug Morneau: So what would you say is the biggest myth about that? I agree with you that you need to niche down, know exactly who your customer is, your value proposition. And I was interviewing someone earlier this week and he said well one of the things you need in your customer avatar is to make sure that they have sufficient budget to hire you. That’s a great concept. I’m tired of coaching people who found their perfect customer but they don’t have the budget, then you forgot to add something to your avatar. So in terms of niching down, what do you think is a myth about that tactic that businesses would have that are serving a broader audience today?

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Steve Olsher: I mean I think the biggest myth around that is that there just simply isn’t going to be a big enough pool of people. I think that’s just the bottom line, is people are afraid that if they go too narrow, that they’re just not going to have a large enough lead pool to work with. To end up finding people who are ideal candidates for their products, programs and services. And so I have to beg to differ. And what I will tell you is that from my experience, I don’t care how niche you get, there are enough people to build a fairly formidable business. And that, of course, is a relative term.

But what I do know, at least from my experience, is that the more specific that I am, the easier it is for me to enroll people in whatever it is that I am doing. If it’s raising money for a company to build a company if it’s a real estate development project and I’m looking to put together a syndicate to invest in that. Or creating a podcast. It doesn’t matter what it is, the reality for me at least based on my experience is that you will find that there are enough people who fit that criteria. And frankly, you can build a pretty large business without having that many customers. At the end of the day, if you’ve got a program that you sell for $1,000, all you need is 1,000 people to say yes in order for you to have a million dollar business.

Doug Morneau: Absolutely. I remember years ago reading a book called “Crossing the Chasm.” And they talked about kind of like the adoption cycle and identifying your market. And I think one of the things I took away from that was that you get your whole team kind of tuned into that language. So if you’re selling to dentist’s office and then you want to sell to a doctor’s office when you want to sell to pick somebody else, you’re always reinventing yourself instead of just focusing and becoming the expert in one place.

Steve Olsher: Yeah. And again, to each his own because there are certainly people who have the ability to be broader in scope with what it is that they do. But I think if you’re coming out of the gate today, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice by not being as clear as you possibly can. And let me put it to you this way, one of the things that I preach, certainly to my private clients, is that clarity does two things. Clarity attracts, and clarity sells. And the more clear that you are with what it is that you do and who you do it for, the more it will attract a specific subset of the population that is the right fit for what it is that you’re doing. And the easier it will be for you to enroll them into those products, programs or services.

Doug Morneau: Yeah, that totally makes sense. And also I think it repels people that aren’t your target audience.

Steve Olsher: Yeah. And I don’t remember who said this but I know that it’s been said, that your job as a marketer first and foremost is to repel as many people as you possibly can.

Doug Morneau: Okay, I’ve never heard that before, that’s good.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, it’s true. I mean you literally want people to take themselves out of the discussion. They’re not talking to me. And you want them to go away as quickly as you possibly can. Because the people that will say, geez, he’s talking right to me are going to be your most ideal prospects. And reality is those are the people who are literally waiting for you to show up in their lives.

Doug Morneau: Fair enough, absolutely. So let’s talk specifically again about Profiting From Podcasts. So that’s where you’re working these days. So share with the audience, how does that work? Obviously, they’re listening to podcasts and probably people are thinking maybe I should start one, or I should be a guest on one. So I guess walk us through an overview of what it is you’re doing with that.

Steve Olsher: I mean look, there’s no hard or fast sort of doing this then do that kind of thing in this world. Because it works so differently for so many different people. But what I can tell you is at least from my experience, the first thing that you want to do is, if you’re interested at all in this work and learning how to profit from podcasts, you start by doing exactly what you’re doing right now. Which is listening to shows. And you figure out what you like about shows and what you don’t like about shows. And the reality is, you will find that it is much easier to be a critic than it is to be a creator. You’re being a critic right now. You’re criticizing why is Steve talking about this, why is Doug talking about that, why didn’t Doug ask this question, why does Steve answer it like … It’s so easy to be a critic. But I think you have to be a critic first. And you have to listen to a variety of shows to get a sense of really what this industry is all about, and if it’s even a medium that you want to pursue.

So assuming that you find shows that you resonate with, and you decide that this is something that you potentially want to get involved with, what I would tell you to do is just start by being a guest on other shows before you endure and incur the brain damage that goes hand in hand with trying to do this from the other side of the mic. I mean there’s two sides of the mic, there’s the Doug side, which is having your show. And Doug will tell you, I mean look, after this, my work is done. I’ve spit in the microphone here for 45 minutes or 30 minutes or an hour or whatever we’re going to go here, and I say goodbye. Doug now has to take this, edit this, add the intro, add the out. If he’s got commercials he’s got to add the commercials. He’s got to produce the whole thing, or maybe he sends it off to be produced, whatever, either way, it’s got to be done.

Then it’s got to be uploaded to the respected distribution channel. Doug’s got to create show notes, he’s got to market this thing. He’s got to do everything, and all I do is show up and spit for a little while and Doug takes care of the rest, including making me famous with his audience, right? So that’s a beautiful thing, and that’s a great way to get started, right? Which is simply to be a guest on shows.

And frankly, I think that your best bet is really to start on shows that people don’t know of, right, because you don’t want your first show as a guest to be Joe Rogan. That would be cool, but when you’ve got 30 million downloads a month, it’s getting in front of a lot of people. And if you don’t know how to talk in soundbites, if you don’t know how to be an engaging guest, if you don’t know how to enroll people so that the operative word here is bounce, so that you can bounce them from that platform on to yours so that ultimately you can monetize that visibility, or at least get a meaningful ROI on it. Well, that’s a pretty piss poor investment of your time, energy and resources.

So reality is you’ve got to just simply get into the game first, as a listener, second as a guest, and then maybe as a host. But I don’t think you want to circumvent that process in order to really get an understanding of how this medium works.

Doug Morneau: You made it sound like … You may have scared a bunch of people off, which is probably a good thing, because you’re right, there’s lots of stuff to do aside from just having the talk time which is the fun time.

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Steve Olsher: It is. This is the easy time. Reality is for you to get anyone to listen to this show, you’ve got your work cut out for you. I mean it’s tough. And I’ll be the first to tell you that anyone who sits there and says, hey, just put up a podcast and by the end of the day you’ll have your first thousand downloads, I gotta tell you, unless you’ve got Tim Ferriss on who promotes that to his people, you’re going to have a tough time making that happen.

Doug Morneau: Absolutely. So what are the lessons learned? So if someone’s interested in your Tim Profiting From Podcasts, what is that? Is it a program, is it training, what is it you’re offering?

Steve Olsher: It is yeah. So we do it as an online course. And it steps people through basically everything soup to nuts in terms of understanding the industry and then how to take full advantage of what this industry has to offer and how to leverage the power of podcasts to put your mission and your message front and center, in front of as many people as possible who listen and continually partake of the medium. So yeah, it takes people through literally everything, from understanding what their topic of influence is, which is a two or three or four-word description of who you are and what you stand for and what you focus on, to being able to create dynamic hooks that get people’s attention, right. So then you gotta understand who the people are whose attention you want. So it takes them through being able to identify and contacting the hosts or producers, decisions makers who can say yes, to put them on that show. We even help them create their media one sheet, which is something that you really do want to have, which encapsulates who you are and what you do. And then we round it off with moving towards being an engaging guest and how to really captivate and intrigue. How to enroll people in your ecosystem, again, bounce them into your world. And then lastly how to monetize your visibility.

So it really just starts from the very beginning of how to position who you are and articulate who you are, and then get in front of the right people, identify the right people, get booked on their shows, and take full advantage of that opportunity.

Doug Morneau: Wow, that’s a mouthful. Like you said, there’s a lot of work but if you can walk through it one bite-size piece at a time and start as a guest, I think that’s really good advice.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, and the bonus on the back side of that is we do have a course that actually teaches people how to create their own podcast. But that’s really just as a bonus, it’s not the core of the training, because to me, having your own show is certainly something you can do, and we show you how to do that, but there’s so much opportunity in sitting on the other side of the mic.

Doug Morneau: So you have a specific example that you want to share with our audience today, either as a guest or as a podcaster, maybe something you’ve done or something you’ve helped one of your clients to do?

Steve Olsher: Yeah, I mean look, I’ve been on literally hundreds of shows. I used to keep a spreadsheet of the shows that I’ve been on and I stopped. But I’ve literally been a guest on hundreds of shows. And there’s no doubt in my mind that some shows certainly stand out more so than others, right, in terms of … Well, let me just put it to you this way. The skills of the hosts vary and vary greatly. And I’ll be the first to tell you that some of the more popular shows that I’ve been on have actually been a lot less fun than you might think. I mean I’ve been on several of the more popular shows where the host will literally just read from a set list of questions. And every interview, no matter who that person has on, every interview will follow that same exact list of questions. And so that to me is one of the experiences that I would kind of put in that back pile that are not so much fun.

But by the same token, I’ve been shows where, what I find because of just how my personality is, what I find to be the most fun and the most appealing is being a guest on shows where the hosts, and often times I have the most fun on shows where there’s more than one host. I mean we have own show called Reinvention Radio that we do in what I might call morning zoo style, this is actually me and a couple of co-hosts that do it with me. But I will say that on the shows that I’ve been on where there’s been a couple of hosts or more, just the energy that comes off of that engagement and that interaction, especially when they’re more authentic if you will than the norm and more fun than the norm, those can be an awful lot of fun, man. And the reality is some of the best memories of shows that I’ve been a guest on shows that you’ve probably never heard of. so I highly doubt they’ve even made it on any of the charts.

Doug Morneau: Yeah, I know there was a lot of focus when I was first launching for charts, and really I think what was more important instead of charts was really just doing a good job for both the listener and for the guests.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, and I think a lot of people forget about the importance of … Look, let’s just simply keep in mind that we’re doing this because we’re trying to get others excited about our topic or our guest. The bottom line is they forget about the audience, they forget about the listener and it just becomes this self-absorbed conversation where they’re really not delivering anywhere near the amount of value that they absolutely can be providing. And so when I have guests on my show, that is something that we definitely try to think about is this actually of value for the listener, or is it just a self-love fest, which a lot of shows turn out to be.

Doug Morneau: Well I actually, I did a little bit more self-evaluation after I went through the process for your upcoming event. When the question was asked what are you looking for in a guest, and I actually just recorded a solo episode on that. It got me thinking about what am I really looking for. And it’s exactly what you said; are you going to bring value or are you coming just to pitch your product? Is it going to be good for the audience, are there going to be some takeaways, or is your plan going to be so grandiose that people can’t execute? So can they come, get something that’s going to direct them, that will help them, that they can implement, they can see a difference.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, I mean I totally, totally get that and agree with that because this is an investment of time. I mean you are listening to this show right now. What are you getting out of this? And my hope is if you take nothing more out of this whole episode, then maybe you take something out of this such as I need to learn how to bounce people into my ecosystem if I’m a guest on a show. Or maybe you take away the whole notion of I can take advantage of what this medium has to offer without even having my own show and I can be a guest on other shows. And that begins with listening to shows and figuring out what I like or don’t like, right?

So I think that if we as hosts and guests really think about giving the audience tangible takeaways, then we’re absolutely moving in a direction that will serve the audience well.

Doug Morneau: And I think that carries over obviously to all media because there’s really no reporter sitting out there waiting to publish your latest press release to say how great you are.

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Steve Olsher: Well, there may be one or two, but I guarantee you they’re probably charging you to do that. But yeah, point well taken.

Doug Morneau: Fair enough. So can we switch gears a bit and talk about your upcoming summit? I’m super excited about the summit, and I don’t want to steal from your explanation, so why don’t you share with our listeners what this summit is, what it’s about, and give us some details.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, so summit is kind of one of those terms that get thrown around in lots of different ways, so I will clarify just by saying that it is the New Media Summit, which is actually an in-person thing. So there’s a lot of online summits. This is actually going to be a live, in-person thing. Just so we’re clear on that, so you can’t do this one from the comfort of your home, you actually have to come to San Diego, which is where we’re doing the next one. And so this is our second time doing the New Media Summit. And the bottom line is I realized that there were probably a lot of other people like me who had shows and were being inundated with guest requests. As I said, we have our own show called Reinvention Radio, which I’ve done off and on since 2009, mostly on for the last three years. And we get requests all the time. And there’s a lot of really interesting people out there.

As a matter of fact, some of our favorite guests over the years have been people that the public doesn’t know. We actually take great pride in introducing our audience to people that they never heard of before. Matter of fact kind of breaking someone’s story if you will, and featuring them for the first time. We actually love doing that. And so you don’t need to be famous to get booked on shows, you don’t need a bestselling book or have a big social media following. You don’t need any of that because all you really need is to have an interesting message, an interesting mission, and be really clear on who you are and what you do. And be able to articulate that in a fun way.

And so when we started getting inundated with all of these requests, what we realized quite quickly was there’s probably other podcasters out there who are also getting inundated with requests and you want to find great guests. And then there’s people who want to be on these shows and people who want to understand how to really leverage and monetize the power of new media. So we combined the two and we said we’re going to create an event where people come and learn how to leverage and monetize the power of new media. But the main hook is we’re going to bring in 40 of the world’s leading podcasters who are looking for guests just like you to feature on their shows.

And so we allocate a significant amount of time at the event to allowing folks to pitch the podcasters on who they are and what they do, and literally get booked on the spot. And so it’s a smaller event, we limit it to 150 attendees and the 40 podcasters, so as you can imagine, you get ample time with them to get to know the podcasters and develop real relationships with them. And there’s no iron curtains here, everybody breaks bread together, everybody hangs out together. Small group discussions and we dance together, it’s a-rockin’ good time. And there’s no other event like it.  And as I said, we did it in September, and a little fun fact that I like to share is that everyone who attended the last summit got booked on shows. Most got booked on 10 or more shows, and one woman even got booked on I believe 33 shows.

Doug Morneau: Wow, that’s amazing.

Steve Olsher: So yeah, I mean people leave the event with something tangible, and that’s kind of one of my biggest pet peeves, Doug, I don’t know about you man, but you go to events and you meet a lot of people that you may not necessarily have known, you don’t necessarily get to know them all that well, but you pick up a lot of business cards. And maybe you write down a whole bunch of notes in a notebook, but it kind of dies there. You probably don’t remember most of the people whose cards you took. You probably don’t implement most of what you wrote down.

And so what I decided is that when we are going to do this event and in the events that I like to do, I want to make sure that there is a tangible outcome, right. So even if you don’t implement anything that you learned from the event, you’re at least going to walk out of there with a sort of instant gratification if you will by getting booked on these shows, and you will get those appearances. So kind of try to balance the best of what I like about other conferences and put it into this one event, which we’re doing in April in San Diego. And then we’re actually going to do it again in the fall at a to be determined location. We’re actually going to do it twice a year now.

Doug Morneau: So for people that are listening to that say “hey, that’s interesting, how are they going to learn to pitch?” Now I know the answer, but I’m just thinking people will be nervous, I’ve never stood up in front of someone and presented or I might not have asked them. Assuming you’re going to guide through some of this process.

Steve Olsher: Mm-hmm (affirmative). So one of the things that we do that makes our event pretty unique is we actually do six pre-event training sessions. So we do six pre-event training sessions and we will get everyone ready for the event and teach them how to articulate who they are and what they do, and get a really tight, concise, 30 second pitch down, so they really can explain who they are and what they do and the value-add for the audience if they get booked on to their show.

And we help them create their media one sheet, and my team actually creates that for you. So we try to really go the extra mile there. But what we have found is that the majority of where people struggle just in general in terms of getting booked on shows is just being able to articulate who they are and what they do and create a really good hook that creates intrigue and gets people fired up about learning more. And so that’s a big part of what we do in the pre-event training sessions. And that’s included with the event as well, including our team creating the media one sheet for you, so you get quite a bit. Gourmet meals, I mean the whole nine, when you come to the event.

Doug Morneau: So why don’t you explain what a media one sheet is for those people listening that don’t know.

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Steve Olsher: Well it is basically one piece of paper that you can put onto your website that producers and hosts and decision makers can download. Or you can print it of course, and hand it to people, that’s certainly something you can do as well. But the idea of a media one sheet is it not only provides a description of who you are and what you do and includes your picture and contact information of course. But it breaks down for the decision maker the areas of focus, the topics that you cover. The hooks, again, if you will. So that the decision maker reads that and goes, wow, that sounds really interesting. And we take it a step further with our folks by making sure that they articulate what the value add is for the audience. So not only is it clear in terms of what it is that you would talk about, but also what’s in it for the listener, what’s in it for the audience. And I think a lot of people forget about that really important piece there. And so I believe that a good media one sheet contains all of that plus testimonials if you have it, and perhaps if you have room for something else you can share some of the other things that you’re up to. But a good one sheet will at least have those elements.

Doug Morneau: Well that’s excellent. Hey, well thanks so much for sharing, there’s lots of information, I’m glad we covered the podcast side as the media continues to grow. It’s funny because just doing what I’m doing, I get lots of requests from people saying how do you do this, how do you do this. I said lots of work, hired a few guys, lots of learning, not everyone had the right answers. But now there’s a resource for people could look.

So, listeners, we’re going to wrap it up. I’m going to ask Steve a couple more questions, I’m going to ask him the toughest question that always stumps my guests. And that is who is one person I should have on my podcast?

Steve Olsher: Well, let’s put in a little more context so that you can serve your audience best. To what sort of person are you feeling can serve your folks best?

Doug Morneau: I’m looking for people that can share specific tactics, so people who are focused on one tactic, whether it’s email or Facebook or online or speaking or podcasting or being an author. If it resonates with them, they can take that and execute it and run with it.

Steve Olsher: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Well, a few people come to mind. Number one is Bret Gregory, have you had Bret on?

Doug Morneau: I have not.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, Bret, we talked a little bit about Facebook and whatnot earlier. Bret is the guy who I turn to run all of my Facebook stuff. So having him on to share exactly what’s going on in that arena and leveraging the power of Facebook ads and so on to build your business. That’s certainly something that I would recommend you cover.

How about Pete Vargas, you ever met Pete?

Doug Morneau: I have not, no.

Steve Olsher: Yeah, so Pete talks a lot about speaking, and he does quite a bit in helping people win stages. And I think over the course of the last few years, has helped his clients get booked on over 25,000 stages. So that’s a great way to build your business as well as through speaking. And of course there’s various ways and various models around speaking, so Pete might be a good person to have on there too.

Doug Morneau: Well excellent, thanks so much for taking the time and making the time to share with us today and share with our audience. So listeners, as usual, we’ll make sure that we’ve got the show notes fully transcribed, make sure that there are links to the Profiting From Podcasting on the show notes. I’ll also make sure there are links to the event that’s coming up.

Now Steve, what’s the best place for people to find and reach out to you?

Steve Olsher: Well for me, outside of newmediasummit.net and check that out, I would say just steveolsher.com.

Doug Morneau: Excellent. Well, that wraps up another episode, listeners, thanks so much for tuning in. Don’t be shy, make sure you subscribe to our email lists, and if you’re just listening on iTunes and not subscribing, make sure you do that as well. And we’ll be back at you in a couple of days.


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Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast – host Doug Morneau – Episode #33

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"Innovation isn't just thinking outside the box; it's about setting the box on fire and building something extraordinary from the ashes."

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