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Tim Francis

Tim Francis

Super Power:

Financial Analysis & Event Planning

Professional Experience:

Tim Francis, a Canadian entrepreneur and founder of and, overcame a severe illness in 2010-2011 that nearly led to bankruptcy. This experience inspired him to ensure entrepreneurs avoid burnout. A University of Alberta graduate and Certified Scrum Product Owner, Tim specializes in helping business owners transition from operators to owners, focusing on delegation and systematization. His work has earned accolades from industry leaders and has included guest lecturing at NYU and the University of Alberta.

Tim Paige

Tim Paige

Super Power:

Audiobook Narrator and Voice Actor

Professional Experience:

Tim Paige is a distinctive voice actor known for his relatable and energetic tone, reminiscent of a friend sharing exciting news. He's recognized as the voice behind NBC's "The More You Know." Unlike traditional voiceovers, Tim offers a fresh approach that resonates with millennials. He prioritizes quick turnarounds, often delivering on the same day, and provides clients with state-of-the-art studio connectivity options. As a full-time voice actor, Tim is dedicated to his craft and values long-term collaborations, ensuring consistency and reliability for producers seeking a go-to voice talent.

Tim Watson

Tim Watson

Super Power:

EOS Implementer

Professional Experience:

Tim Watson is a seasoned leader known for engaging leadership teams in critical thinking and decision-making. Inspired by his entrepreneurial uncle, Tim merged his love for technology and business. He took a leadership role at 26, later co-founding a MarTech startup that sold for millions. Post-exit, he established a global digital marketing consultancy. In 2015, he joined a US firm's leadership, working remotely from the UK. Implementing EOS, he propelled the business's growth by 54% to $10 million in three years.

Tink Taylor

Tink Taylor

Super Power:

Digital and Email Marketing

Professional Experience:

Tink Taylor is the Founder & President of dotDigital Group PLC, a globally recognized company established in 1999. With over 25 years in digital communications, Tink has been instrumental in shaping digital marketing in the UK and USA. He's served on the UK Direct Marketing Association's Email Marketing Council, lobbied for data privacy legislation, and judged various industry awards. In 2014, he joined the US DMA's Email Experience Council and expanded dotdigital to the US and APAC. Beyond dotdigital, Tink is a tech advisor, investor, and advocate for industry advancement.

Todd Earwood

Todd Earwood

Super Power:


Professional Experience:

Todd Earwood, an entrepreneur since 1999, has successfully exited three ventures and made over 70 investments. He's now spearheading Earwood Collective, a conglomerate of companies he's personally funding. The flagship entity is The Royal Room, an elite event space catering to top-tier companies and private events. Exciting announcements are anticipated for late 2023.

Todd Hockenberry

Todd Hockenberry

Super Power:

Business Coaching, Content Strategy & Marketing

Professional Experience:

Todd Hockenberry, a consultant and business coach with over 30 years in technology and capital equipment sales, specializes in helping B2B companies adapt to digital market shifts. Co-author of "Inbound Organization," he leads Todd Hockenberry, Inc., a Gold Level HubSpot partner. Residing in Orlando, he enjoys teaching, oil painting, and spending time with his pets

Tom Matzen

Tom Matzen

Super Power:


Professional Experience:

Tom Matzen, an entrepreneur who has launched 93 businesses, with nine surpassing seven figures, has experienced both immense success and significant setbacks. Despite his mistakes, he's a two-time international best-selling author with 178,000 books sold. Co-founder of Links Golf Cafe, a global golf-coffee franchise, Tom is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to merge purpose with profit. Residing in Canada with his son Tyler, they've made 108 Kiva loans across 60 countries, emphasizing Tom's commitment to giving back.

Tom Nardone

Tom Nardone

Super Power:

Real Estate Investing & Mentorship

Professional Experience:

Tom Nardone, a former mailman from Rahway, NJ, turned real estate mogul in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, owns the title "Millionaire Mailman" after successfully flipping and renting over 250 properties valued at $25 million. Starting his journey by noticing vacant houses on his mail routes, he owned 37 houses by 1995. Today, Tom mentors aspiring real estate investors, focusing on education and systematic strategies, and manages several websites dedicated to his real estate ventures.

Tom Poland

Tom Poland

Super Power:

Lead Generation

Professional Experience:

Tom Poland is the mastermind behind Leadsology®, a lead generation system that infuses businesses with the tranquility of steady growth, promising LEADS FOR LIFE. With a bold guarantee of an extra $5,000 monthly revenue, his methods are distilled from 39 years of marketing expertise and his best-selling books. Tom cherishes life in an Australian rainforest retreat with his wife, their dogs, and frequent visits from their cricket-loving grandchildren.

Tom Schwab

Tom Schwab

Super Power:

Relationship Selling & Podcasting

Professional Experience:

Tom Schwab believes effective marketing is about starting conversations with potential customers. Instead of adding to the noise, he advocates for directly addressing target audiences through podcast interviews. His company, Interview Valet, offers a comprehensive service, handling everything except the speaking during podcast interviews. They prioritize results, aiding entrepreneurs, coaches, and various professionals. Clients have reported significant ROI, rapid list growth, and business expansion solely through podcast guesting. Tom's approach has even propelled authors to bestseller lists.

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